মঙ্গলবার, ৩১ জুলাই, ২০১২

America's uneasy Gulf allies adding to arsenals

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) ? While Iran's military loudly trumpets every new project or purported advance in hopes of rattling the U.S. and its Gulf Arab allies, the U.S. is quietly answering with an array of proposed arms sales across the region as part of a wider effort to counter Tehran.

In the past two months, the Defense Department has notified Congress of possible deals totaling more than $11.3 billion to Gulf states such as Qatar and Kuwait, which are seen as some of America's critical front-line partners in containing Iran and protecting oil shipping lanes.

The proposed sales ? including Patriot missile batteries and Apache attack helicopters ? are still modest compared with massive Gulf purchases such as Saudi Arabia's $60 billion package last year. That deal included more than 80 new F-15SA fighter jets, missiles, radar warning systems and other equipment.

But the recent flurry of expected sales from U.S. firms, approved by the Pentagon and outlined in notifications to Congress, underscores the growing emphasis among nervous Gulf states on seeking quick upgrades to existing firepower and defensive networks.

Gulf worries about possible military action against Iran have increased with diplomatic efforts making little headway in easing the showdown over Tehran's nuclear program, which the West and others fear could eventually develop atomic weapons. Iran says it only seeks reactors for energy and medical uses.

An Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, reported Sunday that National Security Adviser Tom Donilon briefed Israeli officials on possible U.S. attack plans if diplomacy and sanctions fail to pressure Tehran to scale back its nuclear enrichment program. A senior Israeli official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss confidential talks, denied the Haaretz report.

The news reports reflect the uncertainties in the region with negotiations nearly stalled and Iran trying to push back against deepening sanctions on its vital oil exports.

"There was a bit of a breather in the region when (nuclear) talks resumed," said Bruno Tertrais, senior researcher at the Foundation for Strategic Research in Paris. "That is quickly fading."

In its place: a sense of military adjustments moving at a faster pace.

Washington plans to keep at least 13,500 troops in Kuwait ? down slightly from the current 15,000 ? but with an expanded mission as a potential rapid-reaction force for the region. The Pentagon also has scores of warplanes and other assets across the Gulf, including air bases in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

At sea, the U.S. Navy plans to lead maneuvers in September that include minesweeping drills ? a clear response to Iran's threats to block oil tankers from passing through the Strait of Hormuz at the mouth of the Gulf in retaliation for the tightening Western sanctions.

The U.S. is also boosting its Gulf flotilla, directed by the Navy's 5th Fleet in Bahrain. Among the additions: a floating assault base aboard the retrofitted USS Ponce and accelerated deployment of the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis to ensure two carriers are in the Gulf region at all times.

"We are seeing more and more bluster from the Iranian side and the U.S. and Gulf allies showing the Iranians they are a united front," said Theodore Karasik, a regional security expert at the Dubai-based Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis. "The Gulf states are nervous. They show this nervousness by buying more weapons."

Among the proposed U.S. sales is a $4.2 billion package to Kuwait for 60 Patriot missiles and related systems to "strengthen its homeland defense and deter regional threats," the Defense Department said in a statement. Kuwait could also buy, pending congressional approval, a $49 million arsenal of 300 Hellfire II missiles, which can be launched from helicopters or drones.

For Qatar ? which hosts one of the Pentagon's command hubs ? the Defense Department is seeking clearance for a $6.6 billion air support upgrade that includes 24 AH-64D Apache attack helicopters, 12 Blackhawk helicopters and 22 Seahawk helicopters, with options to buy six more.

The Apaches would assist with "protection of key oil and infrastructure and platforms which are vital to U.S. and Western economic interests," the Defense Department said.

Oman, which shares control of Hormuz with Iran, is seeking an $86 million purchase that includes 55 Sidewinder missiles as part of plans to upgrade its F-16 fighter fleet.

For decades, the Gulf had looked mostly to Washington for its weapons, but European arms deals also appear on the rise.

In Berlin, German government spokesman Georg Streiter said Monday there has been an "expression of interest" by Qatar in about 200 Leopard II tanks. A similar Leopard tank deal with Saudi Arabia was reported last year by German media.

In May, Saudi Arabia signed a $3 billion deal with Britain for air force training planes apparently linked to a 2007 agreement to buy 72 Eurofighter Typhoon fighters.

The weapons requests also reinforce the toughening stance against Iran by main rival Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf Arab states. The six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council has repeatedly warned Tehran about "meddling" in Gulf affairs. Saudi Arabia and Qatar have taken a leading role in supporting Syrian rebels trying to topple Bashar Assad's regime, which is Iran's main Mideast ally.

Last week, a commander of Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guards warned that "hated Arab" rivals could face repercussions for their efforts to bring down Assad.

Although the Gulf Arab states have no direct ties to Israel, any military strike on Iran by the Jewish state could require some degree of coordination, with Washington likely to play an intermediary role. Gulf military forces also could be quickly drawn into a wider conflict or a confrontation over the Strait of Hormuz, the passageway for one-fifth of the world's oil.

"Amid the standoff between Iran, Israel and the West, there's another side that is often overlooked," said Sami al-Faraj, director of the Kuwait Center for Strategic Studies. "It is the Gulf states. They are the ones caught in the middle."


Associated Press writer Frank Jordans in Berlin contributed to this report.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/americas-uneasy-gulf-allies-adding-arsenals-180605065.html

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State Supreme Court Extends Workers' Compensation Liability to ...

Under the Pennsylvania Workers? Compensation Act (?Act?), employers are required to maintain workers? compensation insurance coverage. Generally, the employer?s obligation extends only to maintaining coverage for its employees, as that term is defined by law. Independent contractors are not eligible for workers? compensation benefits under the Act.

However, Section 302(a) of the Act provides that an entity may be deemed a ?statutory employer? as to independent contractors of a subcontractor who fails to maintain workers? compensation insurance. Specifically, an entity that engages a subcontractor to perform work regularly a part of the entity?s business is secondarily liable for the payment of workers? compensation benefits to the subcontractor?s employees.

Earlier this year, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued an opinion expanding the scope of statutory employer liability under the Act. The case was Six L?s Packing Company v. Workers? Compensation Appeal Board (Williamson) (opinion).

The employer in that case was Six L?s, a Pennsylvania company in the business of growing, processing, and distributing tomatoes. The Company?s tomatoes are grown on farms in Pennsylvania and processed at plants in Maryland. Six L?s contracts with F. Garcia and Sons to transport the tomatoes by truck from the Pennsylvania farms to the Maryland processing facilities. Claimant worked for Garcia as a truck driver. On a Pennsylvania highway during one such trip transporting tomatoes, Claimant was involved in a vehicle accident and sustained injuries. Claimant filed a workers? compensation claim against both Garcia and Six L?s. After it was discovered that Garcia did not maintain workers? compensation insurance for its employees, the question became whether Six L?s was liable for payment of benefits as Claimant?s statutory employer.

Six L?s argued that it was not Claimant?s employer for workers? compensation purposes. Specifically, Six L?s put forth two arguments: (1) it did not own trucks or employ drivers, but rather used independent contractors to provide transportation services; and (2) while it owned the tomato fields and processing facility, it did not own or control the public highway where Claimant sustained his injuries.

Ultimately, though, the Supreme Court rejected these arguments. The Court held that Section 302(a) is not limited in application only to injuries occurring on premises occupied or controlled by the statutory employer. Instead, the statute extends the entity?s liability to any instance in which the entity subcontracts for services or work ?of a kind which is a regular or recurrent part of the entity?s business.? Finding that transportation of tomatoes between the two facilities was a regular and recurrent part of the Company?s business, the Supreme Court concluded that Six L?s was Claimant?s statutory employer. Consequently, Six L?s was liable for payment of the workers' compensation benefits to which Claimant was entitled.

In light of the Court?s decision in Six L?s, employers who use subcontractors must require the subcontractor to carry workers? compensation insurance for all of its own workers and should obtain proof of such insurance coverage. If not, the employer may find itself to be viewed as a statutory employer and assume secondary liability for benefits to individuals over whom it has no authority and exercises no control.

Source: http://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/state-supreme-court-extends-workers-com-36302/

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Beautiful World: "The difference between friendship and love is how ...

I have been blogging for years--and this post will be very long.

Anyone (Josh) who has had the stamina to read the bulk of what I've written deserves an award of some sort--I have a feeling the award would be nothing highly sought and if tangible, no doubt it would be disposed of rather quickly or hidden shamefully in some tiny cranny found in the dark recess of a metropolitan sewage system. Regardless, the prize should be awarded because that kind of readership is remarkable. I have written innumerable posts on more than one blog nearly every day for several years.

I mention this because many of my posts have addressed the topic of human relationships and in the process, it has become very clear that I am not a?proponent?of friendship. I've stated my views more than once but for the sake of brevity, I will summarize my dislike of the concept:

I believe friendship is a sham relationship with lends credence to the idea that some relationships are disposable--and easily revived on a whim. It allows us to "get to know" people with the understanding that should life circumstances become too busy, the friend will be eliminated for simplicity's sake. Also, should another, more interesting person come along, the current friendship can be allowed to dissipate and disappear for the purpose of climbing a social ladder, or simply for better entertainment. Friends are allowed to be comforters,?comrades, and?confidantes until such time as one or the other of the previously stated situations arises, at which point they go their separate ways assured that this is acceptable social behavior. Should one of the friends feel hurt by the subsequent absence of their former friend, they're considered clingy, controlling, or a social embarrassment. Clearly they misunderstand the rules of friendship and don't play the game very well. They are to be avoided.

While my assessment of the friend relationship might seem cynical, it is, nonetheless, accurate. I do not buy into the maudlin acclamation that there are some people who can leave one's life for extended periods of time and when they return, the relationship remains intact--"it's as if no time has passed." That's untrue--because time has?passed. Many important, poignant moments have taken place and that friend who just reentered the scene has missed them all. And so the two friends will have lunch, cram as much personal history as possible into ninety minutes, and then depart, satisfied that the friend relationship is once again thriving. They might telephone a few times over the next year until once again, decades of absence reign over the relationship.

And that is true friendship.

A couple of years ago I had this conversation with Therapist:

Therapist: It sounds to me like a control issue.
Sam: It's not.
Therapist: Well, here's how it looks to me: You find someone you care about deeply and you want to keep them.
Sam: Yes.
Therapist: That's kind of controlling.?
Sam: I'll have to take your word for it. I don't?control them.?
Therapist: No, but you become very anxious because you want to. You're afraid of being vulnerable to them. You're certain they'll leave you at some point because that's what you believe friends do.
Sam: Maybe.
Therapist: And so you make believe that the relationships you have with very close friends are something more than friendship.
Sam: I make believe?
Therapist: I think so. If it's not friendship, what is it?
Sam: I don't know. Familial?
Therapist: Sam, you can't choose the people you want in your family.
Sam: Why?
Therapist: Because, first of all, those people have their own families. You're not a part of that unit, and they're not a part of your family unit.
Sam: Okay.
Therapist: So, if not familial, then what?
Sam: I don't know.
Therapist: You can't keep people, Sam.?
Sam: What if they want me to?
Therapist: As a general rule, people don't like being collected.
Sam: So you're telling me that I'm stuck with the family I have--such as it is. I need to make peace with people who rarely contact me, have no interest in my life, and want me around because someone may need to take care of our parents one day?
Therapist: Is that your judgment of how you fit in your family?
Sam: Yes.
Therapist: Well, it makes perfect sense that you would search outside that unit for people who can be a part of your life. Unfortunately, that's not how it works.?
Sam: I know.
Therapist: At some point it might be a good idea to accept that friendships are a vital and important part of life, that forming healthy ones can be rewarding and joyful, and that you've been blessed with some very special friends.
Sam: Who will leave me.
Therapist: At some point their presence in your life may become less frequent, yes.
Sam: Less frequent means they've left.
Therapist: Sam, it's not an all or nothing situation. If they're absent for awhile, they'll be back when they can accommodate social situations with you. You're not forgotten. I'm not sure it's possible to forget about you.
Sam: That's ridiculous.?
Therapist: Which part?
Sam: Anyone is forgettable.
Therapist: I would say that most people do not forget the ones with whom they've had deep, meaningful friendships.
Sam: That's not true. They get busy or bored or whatever, and they forget. They might remember later, but there were still moments when they forgot.
Therapist: That bothers you.
Sam: I think so. I think I would rather never know people than become so boring that they don't think about me anymore.?
Therapist: Why have you spent so much time in the past few years trying to develop healthy friendships?
Sam: I thought I could do it. I thought I could learn the rules, play the game, and let whatever happened, happen. I thought I'd figure it out.?
Therapist: And now?
Sam: I don't want to figure it out. I fell in love with people. I let them know who I really am. I shared some of my life with them. I allowed them to see parts of me that I've hidden for a very long time. I want them to stay.?
Therapist: Sam, a leave of absence doesn't mean they've gone forever.
Sam: I know. Don't you see? I know! My head gets all of this. It understands and it's completely willing to play the friendship game, regardless of what happens. But my heart isn't. It hates every part of this. It's not happy to fall in love with someone who probably doesn't love as deeply, who views me as disposable or convenient, or, worse, thinks I'm some amazing person to look up to--because I'm not, you know, and I've never pretended to be anything more than I am.
Therapist: What do you want, Sam?
Sam: I want them to be in my life forever.
Therapist: And you know they can't?
Sam: Yes.
Therapist: Someday, I believe you'll get to the point where you'll understand that absence does not constitute a lessening of love or affection. It simply means that someone's life became differently shaped and could no longer accommodate frequent contact with you. And you'll be patient, because that's sort of how you work, and you'll allow them to decide if frequency of contact will occur again.?
Sam: I do that now.
Therapist: Yes, but the difference is, when this happens it won't hurt so much.

I didn't record this conversation when it happened because I was embarrassed by it. I didn't like the intimation that I was controlling, and I was keenly aware that I wanted more from people than they were willing to give. I was also rather proud of myself for being aware of those feelings but always being able to manage them. I was not prone to manipulation nor coercion in any of my relationships and those certainly had opportunity to present themselves. I have been guilty on occasion, however, of asking certain of my friends for reassurance that they would remain in my life. Someday I will ask their forgiveness. I'm not ready to do that yet.

The conversation is now appearing because I believe I'm at a point in my life where, while I don't understand how people bond and let go on a regular basis, I do accept it. I don't know that I will ever practice the custom as it commonly occurs, and probably I will always try to "collect" the people I love and I'll want them to stay in my life and I might even feel (if they do?stay) that they are my family; but I will never verbalize those things, nor will I impose my desires upon them. Regardless of whatever emotional deficits with which I may struggle, I am keenly aware of the need to maintain healthy boundaries and balance in any relationship and I wish for those I love to feel safe in relationships with me.

And so today I will begin to have friends. I will embrace the term and use it. I will not be offended nor feel slighted when someone I love refers to me as "friend." One of those loved ones has told me on more than one occasion that I am one of the best friends he has ever had--and he has said that in spite of the fact that presently our life goals and beliefs are different. I choose to believe he made that statement because he knows I don't walk out on relationships that become difficult, I support his right to make decisions for himself, and even if I disagree with the outcome of such decisions I still wish to talk with him and spend time with him. I should feel happy that he believes I am one of his good friends.

Another loved one has referred to me as his best friend on occasion and, when introducing me, once said we are "the best of friends." I believe my response to that was, "Only if I say so." It was churlish, and my way of saying, "You, of all people, understand how deeply I despise that word, and I'm unhappy that you used it in reference to me." And given that I have provided no alternate descriptor, it was out of line for me to object. Because I love him, as well, and have always offered that love without reservation, I should feel honored that he would introduce me in such a way. There is no reason for me to take offense.

There are others who consider me a friend. It's time for me to assume the role they have assigned me.

Therefore, to all my friends, I ask your forgiveness for my boorishness in reference to the laudable institution of friendship. I will stop trying to reshape our friendship into some sort of relationship which has no name. I'll not refer to us during therapy sessions, as "familial." I won't ask you to please stay in my life forever, and I'll no longer balk or remind you that I don't like the F-word and would prefer that it not be used to describe me.

Fake it till you make it, right? I can do this.

Source: http://bewitchedtoo.blogspot.com/2012/07/the-difference-between-friendship-and.html

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reconnecting/how-to-make-your-ex-fall-in-love-with ... - Street Articles

How To Make Your Ex Fall In Love With You Again  -  Top Techniques

So you want to make your ex fall in love with you again. Well, it is possible, but you have to make sure that you go about it in the right way. The proper avenue to take is the one that uses human psychology and understands why we act the way that we do, only then can you understand what makes the opposite sex tick, and what will make them love you again.

In the process of learning to get back your ex, it is very important that you see things from a different angle altogether. At this point in time only one thing seems all important to you: how the two of you can come together again. However, you should be more focused on what your ex needs rather than just concentrating on what you need, this is the trick.

It is most likely that your ex does not want you right now. The very fact that your ex initiated the breakup was because they seemed to have fallen out of love with you. Rest assured that nothing much is going to happen until and unless you can show them that you are worthy of being dated by your ex once again.

Now, how can you make this happen? The only way is to bring back the magic that was there in the early days of your relationship. Everything about the two of you was new and lovely when you were just discovering one another. You need to travel back in time and show your ex that everything can once again become amazing and awesome between the two of you.

Bring Back the Magic of Those Days

Do you still remember the exciting times when you had just met each other and started to go out on dates? Wasn't it purely magical to be with one another? If you are having these feelings, be sure that your ex does too. Your ex also remembers those fun times, those romantic episodes among all the other happy, fond instances, and everything else that marked your happy relationship.

If you have dated for quite a while, it was during those times that you developed strong feelings and the bonding for one another. Your togetherness at every instance bonded you together. Every festive occasion, every birthday, and every ski trip brought you closer as a couple. Now, things do not look as good as they used to be. There have been more instances that both of you would like to forget rather than remember. Whatever took place between the two of you helped to make you forget the fact that together you are a couple of great potential.

Bringing your ex back into your life once again is all about creating a need for you once more. It is not merely enough to pour out to your ex as to how badly you need them in your life; the reunion would be more valuable if you can make your ex want you badly enough than just thrusting yourself into their life.

Make Your Ex Miss You and Need You Again

What is it that you need to do for your ex to miss you? The answer is simple: make yourself unavailable. Subtle detachment techniques will definitely make your ex think more about you. Your ex does not see you in those places they used to in earlier times. Your ex looks around only to find you missing. You are not available easily. You do not call, text or email as much as you used to. Well, there is no option for your ex but to miss you.

At this point it is important to note that using detachment techniques is only half the battle won. You also need to know that it is important to reconnect. You have to make an entry into their lives in a manner that reflects positively. It is, in fact, more than just a little tricky. A detailed plan that guides you as to how to step into the life of your ex and when to do it such that the entry is subtle, smooth and effective is the need of the hour.

If you are still in love with your ex and want them back in your life at the earliest, it is best that you do not take any chances for it is not worth it. Work with a plan in mind and do not make haste. Know exactly what moves you have to make and when you should make them. Just like anything else in life, the more knowledge you have about the problem at hand, you will be equipped to deal with it in a better fashion and work out a neat solution. Working to a plan always improves the odds of your getting back together again.

Love and Hate Are but Divided by a Thin Line

You can, in fact, choose to be a little happy if your ex seems to hate you after the break up. Be assured that this not the worst sign about your ex that you have noticed. Well, not that you want your ex to hate you as it reduces the chances of you coming together. With emotions not under control immediately after a break-up there is not much that you can expect in this situation from your ex. You are right in feeling angry and hurt at the hateful feelings that your ex chooses to show you. But you should be happy that your ex has been significantly affected by the breakup and his feelings for you. Would you have liked it if your ex did not seem to be bothered at all about the entire break-up whatsoever?

Specific actions that you can take at the right time can turn this seemingly obvious hatred of your ex into love once again. It requires that you know what to do exactly and when to do it. It is also a matter of being able to handle your ex's feelings in a sensitive manner.

What To Do Next

It is all about timing and how well you use it to get your ex back. Moving too fast can be threatening with the result that they will try to move further away from you. On the other hand, if you are too slow, you ex may get the feeling that they do not hold your interest any longer. Therefore, it is very important that you know how to handle this situation.

Yet another helpful suggestion is to be able to read the signs ex has moved on. In such a case, going after your ex would be a mere waste of time as they would be no longer interested in you. But make sure that you get the facts right. It pays to observe what your ex says or does so that you do not lose your pride.

You also need to follow advice that is gender specific. You need to be able to get inside the head of your ex and work out how they feel, why they act the way that they do, and what they want from relationships. That is why targeted advice works the best. That being said, guys you will need to read the signs she still loves you. Also, girls you will need to read the signs he still loves you.

Source: http://www.streetarticles.com/reconnecting/how-to-make-your-ex-fall-in-love-with-you-again-top-techniques

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সোমবার, ৩০ জুলাই, ২০১২

UK experts to help Iraq destroy chemical residues

BAGHDAD (AP) ? The British Embassy in Baghdad says it will help the Iraqi government dispose of what's left of deposed dictator Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons.

The remaining munitions are stored in two bunkers in southern Baghdad.

A statement issued Monday said the British Defense Ministry will start training Iraqi technical and medical workers this year. The teams will work to safely destroy remnants of munitions and chemical warfare agents left over from Saddam's regime. He was overthrown in 2003 following an American-led invasion.

Most of the chemical weapons were destroyed by military forces in 1991 during the first Gulf War or by U.N. inspectors after the fighting. The inspections halted just before the invasion.

Iraq is a party to the U.N. Chemical Weapons Convention and must get rid of the remaining material.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/uk-experts-help-iraq-destroy-chemical-residues-144204378.html

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IntegraClick Hires Affiliate Marketing Super Attorney James Epstein ...

SARASOTA, FL, July 27, 2012 ? IntegraClick, LLC, parent company of Clickbooth, LLC, is proud to announce and welcome James Epstein as General Counsel. Epstein will act as the senior attorney of IntegraClick?s legal department, facilitating the achievement of the company?s goals from a legal perspective. His extensive legal expertise combined with years of management experience promises to add great value to IntegraClick?s full-fledged compliance team.


IntegraClick Founder and CEO, John Lemp stated, ?For us James is the perfect package; he not only has the character that we look for in the leadership of IntegraClick and Clickbooth, he also brings with him 18 years of industry experience and innovation, having led public companies such as eDiets.com and having been General Counsel of such respected industry companies such as Addrive aka Reachsmart Interactive.?


Epstein comes to IntegraClick with years of experience in the online marketing industry. Most recently, he was head of management of operations and legal affairs as General Counsel for the online advertising company, Reachsmart Interactive. It was in this position that he led the development of integrated compliance management processes for Reachsmart?s affiliate network and multiple web channels, as well as helping the Company diversify its revenue base and create a wholly owned Indian subsidiary. Prior to that he was responsible for legal affairs including commercial transactions, regulatory compliance, securities, acquisitions and funding as General Counsel for the publicly traded eDiets.com.


Epstein holds a J.D. from the University of Florida College of Law which he received with Honors.


?I could not be more excited to join the IntegraClick team which, through the Clickbooth brand, has achieved unrivaled growth in the affiliate marketing space and is well known as a leader in compliance and best practices. In a period of regulatory and market transition for online advertising in general, IntegraClick is well positioned to not only continue its leadership position but to also capitalize on the many opportunities available for growth and expansion into new channels.?


Epstein leverages a unique skill set developed over many years as a private attorney and in house counsel. It is these skills along with his extraordinary reputation that affirm he will be an integral member of the IntegraClick management team.




About IntegraClick, LLC

IntegraClick, LLC is a pioneer in the true, performance-based online marketing industry with the widest variety of marketing channels, methods and niches. Offering advanced network technology and extensive industry experience, IntegraClick continues to extend its innovative services throughout the world from its headquarters in Sarasota, Fla., as it has since 2002

Source: http://madduxpress.com/index.php/2012/07/30/integraclick-hires-affiliate-marketing-super-attorney-james-epstein-to-lead-legal-team-into-the-future-50439/

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রবিবার, ২৯ জুলাই, ২০১২

EYES ON LONDON: Drama at sea? Lebron makes friends

LONDON (AP) ? Around the 2012 Olympics and its host city with journalists from The Associated Press bringing the flavor and details of the games to you:



It's a personal battle against the elements that evokes the drama of the high seas. But this is an Olympics K1 canoe slalom event in a man-made environment in east London.

In a single frame, AP photographer Kirsty Wigglesworth has captured the drama of a man's bid for glory under foreboding skies.



Hope Solo's angry Twitter rants are U.S. coach Pia Sundhage's latest challenge.

The U.S. women's soccer team won 3-0 Saturday against Colombia, but Solo, the U.S. goalie, took exception on Twitter to comments by her former colleague Brandi Chastain, who is now a TV commentator.

"The game has changed from a decade ago," Solo tweeted.

Sundhage says she spoke with Solo and reminded her that the most important thing now is the team's next Olympic game against North Korea on Tuesday. But the coach says she's not going to bother stopping her star goalie from tweeting.

"It's all about the next game," Sundhage said.

? Joseph White ? Twitter http://twitter.com/JGWhiteAP



British swimmer Rebecca Adlington was probably the most surprised by her bronze medal swim in the 400 meters final.

Her tweet from earlier Sunday: "Just sneaked into tonight's final in 8th place! Not expecting anything tonight, all I can do is my best :-) thank you for all the support."

? Jenna Fryer ? Twitter http://twitter.com/jennafryer



AP's Cassie Vinograd says some of those empty seats that have been a feature of the games so far are being filled by uniformed British soldiers at the women's gymnastics event. They've taken up about eight rows.

Still, many seats in the lower level remain unaccounted for.

? Cassandra Vinograd ? Twitter http://twitter.com/cassvinograd



Determined to see a British sports book, I discovered William Hill in Euston. It's nothing like Las Vegas.

Think more like an empty OTB. One television showed the Olympics. The rest were airing dog racing.

But the variety was interesting. They've got bundled bets such as Usain Bolt winning the 100 and 200 meters and the U.S.A men and women's basketball teams both winning gold at 9-to-4. A soccer bet at 8-to-1 bundles the Brazilian men and the American women to win the gold.

The overwhelming favorite is David Rudisha of Kenya in the 800 meters at 1-to-12. The next closest is the American women's basketball team at 1-to-10.

For a big payoff, go for the "Olympic Football Yes/No." Pick all six correctly, including if all six substitutes will be used in the Britain vs. Cameroon women's soccer match, and it pays 33-to-1.

? Jenna Fryer ? Twitter http://twitter.com/jennafryer



Football's the undisputed king of sports in Britain. But basketball is capturing the imagination here at the Olympics.

After being disappointed in the road race on Saturday, Britons flocked to the basketball arena for their team's hoops opener against Russia.

The upper level is jammed, the Union Jack is flying proudly and the crowd is roaring at every basket by Luol Deng or Joel Freeland.

?Jon Krawczynski ? Twitter http://www.twitter.com/APKrawczynski



Organizers are readying the table tennis venue for a visit by Bill Gates where he'll watch Ariel Hsing against the No. 2 seed, Li Xiaoxia of China on Sunday night.

In the past, Gates has played a few practice shots with Hsing and she refers to him as "Uncle Bill."

? Stephen Wade ? Twitter http://twitter.com/StephenWadeAP



They were at the center of the Olympics opening ceremony's tribute to Britain's cherished National Health Service.

Now the 320 beds that director Danny Boyle had in a dance sequence that showed British nurses tending to sick children will be used in real hospitals in Tunisia.

Organizers said the beds' elaborate lighting effects and wiring were being removed by volunteers before they were to be loaded into shipping containers and sent overseas.

The beds are being sent to the Hospital Habis Burguiba De Medenine and the Hospital de Taouine in Tunisia.

? David Stringer - Twitter http://twitter.com/david_stringer



There was a real sea of people out at the ExCel center Sunday where table tennis, judo and boxing topped the agenda. To get a sense, here's a picture: http://bit.ly//O9mGbW

? Fergus Bell ? Twitter http://twitter.com/fergb



So far Chinese basketball star Yi Jianlian has had difficulty finding playing time in the NBA.

That may change. After scoring 30 points and grabbing 12 rebounds Sunday in a loss to a Spanish team full of NBA players, Chinese coach Bob Donewald says he has no idea why his best player can't get minutes stateside.

"I don't know why he didn't play in Dallas but I think he's one of the best players in the world," Donewald says. "And he showed that tonight."

? Jon Krawczynski ? Twitter http://www.twitter.com/APKrawczynski



Ghana's flagbearer is out of the Olympics after failing to recover in time from a broken jaw sustained in a qualifying fight.

Maxwell Amponsah had surgery to reset his jaw following the fracture on May 5 but it hasn't fully healed, meaning he carried his country's flag at Friday's opening ceremony but won't get to compete.

Ghana's Olympic committee says "there are potential major complications if he re-fractures his jaw."

? Gerald Imray ? Twitter http://twitter.com/GeraldImrayAP



Nothing like an Olympics to boost your social media profile, it seems.

LeBron James has acquired almost 600,000 new Facebook fans in the last week, with Kobe Bryant coming in second in terms of popularity with an extra 78,000.

But Kobe's still the top Olympian on the social media site in terms of overall numbers.

Facebook has released the following overall fan figures:

Kobe - 13.57 million

LeBron - 11.93 million

Roger Federer - 11.23 million

Maria Sharapova - 7.8 million

Usain Bolt - 7.07 million

? Ian Phillips ? Twitter http://www.twitter.com/phillipsian



The rows of empty seats at some Olympic venues have enraged sports fans in London who tried but failed to get Olympic tickets.

And now the seats are putting their side of the story across ? through Twitter, naturally.

An account, (at)Olympic seat, emerged on Sunday evening.

"I feel so empty," read one post, accompanied by an avatar of empty seats.

"It was my lifelong ambition to be an Olympic seat," read another tweet. "To provide rest and comfort for cheering sports fans. I feel like such a failure."

? Rob Harris ? Twitter http://twitter.com/robharris



The Americans dominated the afternoon qualifying for women's gymnastics, but Britain's athletes got the loudest cheers.

An ovation greeted Britain's Beth Tweddle, who earned a 16.133 on the uneven bars for the top score of the session.

"I was nervous," she admitted later. "It was nerve-wracking to do the bars last."

Tweddle, at 27, is the oldest member of the team and Britain's most decorated gymnast. She's never won an Olympic medal, however.

Her performance Sunday helped Britain make the team finals, four years after they missed the last slot at the Beijing Games.

"We know we're not going to be able to touch USA, Russia, China," Tweddle said. "We are the level below them. Four years ago, we wouldn't be looking at that, so we are getting better."

? Jenna Fryer ? Twitter http://twitter.com/jennafryer



Jordyn Wieber has released a statement of support for close friend Aly Raisman, who bumped her out of the all-around gymnastics finals.

Wieber, the reigning world champion, had to watch Raisman's performance knowing a strong showing would keep her out of the individual competition. She left the arena sobbing after missing the cut.

"It was hard because of course I wanted that spot. But I also wanted Aly to do her best for the team," she said.

The two are roommates here at the London Games. Wieber will be relegated to cheerleader now as Gabby Douglas and Raisman compete for the all-around title.

"It has always been a dream of mine to compete in the all-around final of the Olympics," she said. "I'm proud of Aly and Gabby and happy that they reached the all-around and I was able to help the team get to the Finals. It was always going to be close between the three of us doing all-around and in the end it is what it is."

? Jenna Fryer ? Twitter http://www.twitter.com/jennafryer



Thousands of fans lined the Olympic women's cycling road race course ? all 87 miles (140 kilometers) of it ? despite the pelting rain, standing three or four deep in hopes of simply catching the blur of a cyclist. Police outriders were cheered, since riders usually followed soon after.

The rain would ease up for four or five minutes Sunday, then return with a vengeance. Who knows how the riders could stay upright or even see.

? Danica Kirka ? http://twitter.com/danicakirka



After the first U.S. win, a hug from the first lady.

The U.S. men's basketball team cruised to a 98-71 victory over France in their Olympic opener on Sunday and got quite the reward.

Michelle Obama watched the game, a few rows back. At the final buzzer, the entire team came over for a hug, one by one.

"It was a very special moment," Carmelo Anthony says. "For her to be sitting over there and supporting us, we just wanted to thank her for coming."

? Jon Krawczynski ? Twitter http://www.twitter.com/APKrawczynski



They might not pilot a Yellow Submarine, but two British sailors have received a good-luck message from Beatles legend Paul McCartney.

The 70-year-old musician sent a note Sunday to Stevie Morrison and Ben Rhodes, who will compete from Monday in the men's 49er competition ? in which a crew of two sail in a high-performance skiff.

"Wishing you the very best of luck on the Lovely Rita in the games. Happy sailing to you both," McCartney said in his message, referring to their boat.

McCartney, who sang at Friday's opening ceremony, told the two British sailors that he shared their passion, and loved "to potter about" on his small dinghy.

Morrison wrote on his blog that the Beatles were Britain's "greatest-ever band" and said he and his teammate "were looking to emulate" the group's success as they take to the water.

? David Stringer - Twitter http://twitter.com/david_stringer


EDITOR'S NOTE ? "Eyes on London" shows you the Olympics through the eyes of Associated Press journalists across the 2012 Olympic city and around the world. Follow them on Twitter where available with the handles listed after each item, and get even more AP updates from the Games here: http://twitter.com/AP_Sports

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/eyes-london-drama-sea-lebron-makes-friends-210927697--oly.html

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Pope calls for speed in deciding butler's fate

The pope has called on Holy See investigators to proceed quickly with their inquiry into a former butler for his role in the Vatican leaks scandal.

The decision over whether Paolo Gabriele should face trial will be made on August 6 or 7, Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said Friday.

The pontiff's former butler, Gabriele is the sole suspect behind the leaked documents, which revealed an atmosphere of intrigue at the Vatican and a power struggle centring around the powerful Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone.

Pope Benedict XVI met the examining magistrate on the case Thursday "to hear the progress of the criminal procedures underway," and "invited the Vatican magistrates to proceed expeditiously," the Holy See said in a statement.

Gabriele, who was arrested on May 23, is accused of stealing documents from the papal chambers, copying them and passing them on to a journalist.

He risks up to six years in prison but could also be pardoned by the pope.

If the trial goes ahead, it would not take place until October at the earliest, the Vatican has said.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/pope-calls-speed-deciding-butlers-fate-145324056.html

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Myths about Bankruptcy - John R. Hooge, Attorney at Law, PA

John Hooge Attorney1.? I will lose my house and car if I file bankruptcy:? People don?t lose these because they file bankruptcy.? If they do, its because they choose to not pay for them.? Bankruptcy gets rid of debts but normally it won?t get rid of mortgages and liens on cars.? You do have to pay for them to keep them.? And a chapter 13 can keep them from being lost.

2.? Someone will come to my house and go through my possessions:? In 35 years of handling bankruptcies, I have never had that happen to any of my clients.

3.? Filing bankruptcy is easy.? All I need to do is go to the court and file a couple of papers.? Wrong!? Its about as easy as fixing an automatic transmission.? And if you don?t know what you?re doing, chances are you will cause real problems and cost yourself a lot of money.

4.? If I file bankruptcy, I will never be able to finance a car again:? Wrong again.? Most people who file are offered car loans as soon as the case is concluded.? The longer you wait, though, the better the interest rate you will get.

5.? To file bankruptcy, I must be delinquent on all my debts: Incorrect.

6.? If I file bankruptcy, I have to go to court and the judge and creditors will grill me about my debts and my ability to pay: No, almost no one who files bankruptcy even meets the judge.? You go with your attorney to the 341 meeting in an office building, not the courthouse, and meet with the trustee.? Although creditors can show up, they almost never do.? And creditors are very limited on what they ask.

7.? Everyone will know I filed bankruptcy: If you have a Lawrence address and probably a Douglas County address, it will be in the Lawrence newspaper.? Some newspapers publish the names who file and some don?t.? But, that doesn?t mean everyone will know.

8.? If I file bankruptcy, all my debts listed on my credit report are erased.? No, filing bankruptcy does not cause debts to be erased from your credit report, but your report does then state that the debts are?? discharged in bankruptcy and 0 is now owed.

9.? If I file bky, I have given up on my dreams and my chance of ever becoming a success:?? No. What do former U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant, Burt Reynolds, Sam Walton, Walt Disney, Larry King, Kim Bassinger, and Rush Limbaugh all have in common? You guessed it; they all have filed for bankruptcy

10.? I will lose my job if I file bankruptcy: In 35 years I have only had 1 client who said she thought she lost her job because she filed bankruptcy.

11.? If I file bankruptcy, I?ll never get another credit card again: Wrong.? Just as with car loans, you will get offers usually as soon as the case is over.? But, the longer you wait, the better the credit you will be offered.

12.? Under the new law, there is no more bankruptcy:? Sounds like some debt collector trying to intimidate someone into paying money.? This is not true

13.? Under the new law, the trustee can take my assets: Most of my clients don?t lose anything.? You get to keep all exempt assets and proper planning usually prevents losing anything.

14.? If I?m married, my spouse must file bankruptcy with me: Not true, although the cost is usually the same for both.

15.? If my spouse doesn?t file with me, my creditors can go after he/she: Creditors can only go after your spouse if he/she agreed to owe a debt, or if it?s a medical bill or rent.

16.? Filing bankruptcy often leads to divorce: Just the opposite is true.? Filing bankruptcy and alleviating debt problems usually helps a marriage.? Financial problems are the main cause of divorce.

17.? You can?t get rid of back taxes in bankruptcy: Income taxes over 3 years old are discharged in bankruptcy, but certain rules must be met.? If you owe any type of taxes, you must get a lawyer experienced in bankruptcy and taxation issues.

18.? Creditors can still harrass you after you file bankruptcy: No, they are ?stayed?, i.e., prevented from contacting you to collect a debt.? If they persist, your attorney can take the creditor to court.

19.? You can only file bankruptcy once: You must now wait 8 years after filing a chapter 7 bankruptcy to file another 7.? But, the waiting period is shorter if the prior bankruptcy or the new one is a chapter 13 wageearner plan.

20.? I?m not allowed to repay creditors even if I want to.? Once your case is concluded, you can pay anyone you wish to pay.

21.? I can file a medical bankruptcy: Although medical bills are the primary reason people file bankruptcy, you must list all debts you owe.

22.? Bankruptcy will hurt my credit for 10 years: Although bankruptcy will be on your credit report for 10 years, how you pay debts and what debts you incur after you file bankruptcy will have the most effect on your credit in the future.? Many people who file bankruptcy, if they are careful afterwards, find that their credit will improve.? But, they need to find out what works and what hurts.? This is why my clients get to see Judy Lewis, our credit counselor and budget coach.

Source: http://www.johnhoogelawoffice.com/wp/2012/07/myths-about-bankruptcy/

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20 Legends Who Never Won a World Title

How would ?Austin 3:16? be remembered if ?Stone Cold? Steve Austin didn?t win a World Title to back it up? Would anyone want to play The Game if Triple H had failed to realize any of his 13 World Championship reigns? Could John Cena earn anyone?s loyalty or respect if ?The Champ? was never ? well, champ?

Celebrating a competitor?s World Championship wins may seem obvious when paying homage to the legends of the squared circle, but it isn?t mandatory. A select few grapplers still manage to earn themselves an all-world reputation ? even WWE Hall of Fame status ? despite never hearing their name prefixed with the title of WWE Champion, World Heavyweight Champion or the similar distinctions in WCW or AWA.

It may seem difficult to forge a storied career in sports-entertainment without winning a few World Titles along the way, but it?s not impossible. Take a look at these 20 battle-tested ring veterans who won the hearts and minds of the WWE Universe without ever winning championship gold on a global scale.

Source: http://www.wwe.com/classics/20-legends-who-never-won-a-world-title

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Nissan pins Leaf's WattStation charging woes on a software bug, works on a fix

Nissan Leaf in desert

GE and Nissan had previously ruled out GE's WattStation as the cause of a few Leaf charging failures, and that story of EV tragedy looks to be winding to a close with a more definitive explanation. As the two tell us, a bug in the Leaf's on-board charging software can damage the relevant hardware under a perfect storm of conditions: if a drivers uses a specific (but not necessarily GE) charger, an undervoltage or similar power crisis can bring the Leaf to its knees. Nissan says it's hurrying towards a remedy, although we're working to confirm just what that entails. In the meantime, the automaker is asking owners to be cautious and avoid plugging in when there's lightning or brownouts in the making.

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Nissan pins Leaf's WattStation charging woes on a software bug, works on a fix originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 27 Jul 2012 18:54:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Asian stocks climb as ECB chief vows to save euro

People walk in the rain at a shopping district in Hong Kong Thursday, July 26, 2012. Asian stock markets rose Thursday amid hopes Europe will give its bailout fund more financial firepower but gains were tempered as South Korea reported its economic growth slowed to a two-year low. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)

People walk in the rain at a shopping district in Hong Kong Thursday, July 26, 2012. Asian stock markets rose Thursday amid hopes Europe will give its bailout fund more financial firepower but gains were tempered as South Korea reported its economic growth slowed to a two-year low. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)

BANGKOK (AP) ? Asian stocks charged higher Friday after the European Central Bank's chief vowed to save the euro currency union from the continent's debt crisis and Samsung Electronics reported another record quarterly profit.

Markets have been rattled this week by fears that Spain, the fourth-largest economy among the 17 that use the euro, could need a bailout along the lines of Greece, Ireland and Portugal because its borrowing rates are high. That would strain Europe's finances and potentially cause the breakup of the euro.

But sentiment turned brighter after the ECB's chief Mario Draghi pledged that would not happen, asserting Thursday that "the ECB is ready to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro." That could involve buying government bonds to lower the borrowing rates of financially stumbling countries such Spain and Italy. European stocks surged. France's CAC 40 jumped 4.1 percent and Spain's IBEX 35 vaulted 6.1 percent.

IG Markets strategist Stan Shamu said hopes for ECB action will remain elevated ahead of its scheduled Aug. 2 meeting.

"With renewed hopes that the ECB will take further action to address the crisis, regional markets are facing the prospect of a positive finish to the week," he said in an emailed commentary.

Asian markets also got a boost after Samsung reported another record-high quarterly profit as customers flocked to Galaxy smartphones, helping it outdo rivals even at one of the most challenging times for the global tech industry. Samsung Electronics rose 3.9 percent in Seoul.

Japan's Nikkei 225 stock average was up 1.5 percent at 8,568.06 and Hong Kong's Hang Seng added 1.9 percent to 19,248.94. Australia's S&P/ASX 200 rose 0.8 percent to 4,181.60. South Korea's Kospi climbed 2 percent to 1,817.44 and the Shanghai Composite gained 0.2 percent to 2,129.23.

Wall Street was also boosted by Draghi's comments despite disappointing earnings.

The Dow Jones industrial average on Thursday jumped 212 points, or 1.7 percent, to 12,888. The broader the Standard & Poor's 500 index rose for the first time in five days. It was up 22.13 points, or 1.7 percent, to 1,360.02. The Nasdaq composite index rose 39.01 points, or 1.4 percent, to 2,893.25.

In energy markets, benchmark crude was up 10 cents at $89.49 in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract crude rose 42 cents to finish at $89.39 in New York on Thursday.

The euro was up 0.1 percent at $1.2290. The dollar fell 0.1 percent to 78.23 yen.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/f70471f764144b2fab526d39972d37b3/Article_2012-07-26-World%20Markets/id-978e579a955e48ddafc01536c12c0f7b

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Creative Marketing Ideas to Build Strong Relationships | Infinity ...

Strong Relationship Building

?Real-time,? ?mobilization,? ?ROI,? ?ROAS? (return on advertising spend); yes, each of these are clich? business buzzwords we have all heard make their ways around the marketing and public relations sphere. Yet more and more, one simple word seems to surface more than any other. And in fact, it plays an essential role in defining each of these terms and illustrating how successful B2B or B2C marketing is accomplished. Of course, I am talking about the word ?relationships.?

In business, I have heard some say that fundamental advertising was the key to building close client ?relationships.? I have heard others say that marketing was the essential solution to building close client ?relationships.? Well, those assertions are only partially correct. Certainly, the objective of every organization is to build long-lasting, valuable relationships with their target clients. But can they say that advertising and/or marketing is a client relationship? That truly strays off course from what an actual defined relationship is. Such an assertion requires me to ask how exactly does one determine a relationship between target customer and advertising? Or between target customer and marketing? Neither makes any sense. Before the word makes any more rounds through the business world, we must take a look at what the word actually means and what it really stands for.

Relationships with clients, individuals, or audiences are simply defined through interpersonal interaction. Person-to-person communication is always required. This is the exact reason why marketing is not an actual relationship in itself. Marketing is primarily a one-way act of communication. Advertising, content marketing, or various other marketing concepts, only generate attention. They can make an audience aware of an organization, but until that audience responds, no relationship actually exists. Instead of considering successful marketing a relationship, marketing should be seen as the first step in the relationship-building process, and as a way to inspire and develop future relationships.

There are several ways to turn your creative marketing ideas into future, long-lasting relationships:

Your first marketing solution should be to plan your marketing objectives. Planning starts by identifying the needs of your audience. When you determine their needs, your goal is then to develop a chain of resources and activities that will help them meet those needs.

Start by conducting primary and secondary market research. Focus group studies, interviews, and questionnaires are great ways to get started. You can also grasp the needs of your audience through online SEO and web search analytics. By determining what your audience is searching for online, you will be able to determine how you should narrow down and focus your brand strategy.

  • Develop a Strategic Value Proposition

After you sense-and-respond, then you must develop a way to make your core values appeal to the audience. No, it is not just with a tagline. Instead, this should be an exact proposal of your intentions. Develop a way to get your point across to the audience. Show them what your objective is and what you plan to do for them. Let your truths be known.

  • Integrate Direct Marketing Solutions

Inbound marketing has given a way for organizations to gain quick and direct responses from their target audiences. Past marketing solutions called for long and drawn out communication cycles. Brand advertising once had to go through each communication channel before it actually reached an audience. Now with social media, organizations have a chance to skip over the old communications channels and reach the audience directly. But keep in mind, this does not truly build a ?real? relationship. It merely creates an interaction that is ideal for relationship building.

Marketing in itself is not a form of relationship with a target audience. Marketing is only the first step and it is your way of setting up that first call. But remember, your marketing strategy must appeal to the audience in a way that will make them call first!

Source: http://infinityconcepts.net/2012/07/creative-marketing-ideas-to-build-strong-relationships/

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MONEY? News ? P&G Opens Family Home to Moms & Families of ...

LONDON-(Business Wire ? July 25, 2012)

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Procter & Gamble (NYSE:PG), a Worldwide Olympic Partner and the company behind brands such as Ariel?/Tide?, Pampers? and Gillette?, today welcomed moms and families of Olympians to the P&G Family Home in London, becoming the first Olympic sponsor to offer moms and families from around the world a ?home away from home? at the Olympic Games. Designed to give Moms and families of Olympians from all corners of the globe a place to relax, unwind, and be together, the family home is available to the moms and families of all more than 10,000 Olympians around the world.

?We asked athletes what we could do to support them here in London and they told us that Moms and families from around the world don?t have a place to really relax and be together at the Games,? said Marc Pritchard, P&G?s Global Brand Building Officer, ?We have been in the business of serving moms and families for 175 years. So it makes sense for us to celebrate the athletes by serving their moms and families.?

The P&G Family Home has been designed to offer Moms and families all the comforts of home. In addition to Cover Girl? and Olay? beauty treatments, a Pampers? Playroom, and a Tide?/Ariel? laundry service, the home offers viewing, meals and internet access so that families can stay connected to loved ones at home.

?P&G is making an important and unique contribution to these Olympic Games by creating a warm, welcoming space where the families of some of the world?s greatest athletes can come together,? said President of the International Olympic Committee, Jacques Rogge. ?Athletes can be reassured that while at the P&G Family Home their families will be well cared for, thus enabling them to focus on doing their best on the field of play.?

P&G will celebrate the opening of the home at an event that will be attended by the Moms of some of the world?s most famous athletes. Attendees will include the Moms of US swimmer, Ryan Lochte, Chinese badminton player Lin Dan and British cyclist and Sportsman of the Year, Sir Chris Hoy.

At the event, Moms will be treated to an exclusive performance by British singer and mom, Rebecca Ferguson, a celebrated party from the UK television show, The X Factor.

?In Beijing, we had a great time, but sometimes struggled to find a place for a quick meal and to meet up with the families of other athletes competing,? said Ileana Lochte, mother to Team USA?s Ryan Lochte. ?The P&G Family Home provides both of these resources, and I?m looking forward to getting to know moms whose kids compete in other sports and come from other countries.?

?Thanks to P&G we are able to come to London and to enjoy these Olympic Games,? said Ana Cristina Rodrigues Da Silva, mother to Team Brasilia?s Felipe Franca. ?I can focus on supporting my son, and other mothers can do the same for their children when they compete. I?m very much looking forward to my time here in London, both to see my son compete and because my country will play host to the next Olympic Games.?

?It means a great to deal to me to have a base in London,? said Gao Xiuyu, mother to Team China?s Lin Dan. ?It?s my first time here and I like knowing that there?s a place in the city where I can get together with other moms from around the world, because of P&G.?

?I will appreciate having a home-away-from-home where I can relax, meet other families and hear about their experiences,? said Lisbeth Matlou, mother to Team South Africa?s Noko Matlou. ?The P&G Family Home provides me with what I need, so that I can be there for my child, cheering her on as she competes.?

?Every mom knows that encouraging your kids to play sports is not just about raising champions,? said Carol Hoy, mother to Team GB?s Sir Chris Hoy. ?I was proud of Chris when he was a little boy winning the egg-and-spoon race, and I?m proud of him now as an Olympian. Thanks to P&G, I?ll be there to cheer him on in the Velodrome, and visit him in the P&G Family Home.?

To pay tribute to the Moms of the Games, P&G has also created a series of short videos that tell the story of what it takes to Raise an Olympian. More than 60 of these films are available on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZhwZI1wWGU

The Thank You Mom campaign is being brought to life across all media channels and in-store with a worldwide retailer program that began in April and runs through August. Olympic Games-themed P&G branded products are featured in more than 4 million stores across the globe. As part of the campaign, P&G has also committed to raise $5 million to support local youth sports programs through a portion of sales and donations from the company?s leadership brands

?We hope to create a global movement to thank not just moms of Olympians, but all moms everywhere for all they do to help their kids achieve their dreams,? said Pritchard.

For a full list of assets and information related to the P&G Thank You Mom campaign, including photos and video, visit www.PGThankYouMomMediaCenter.com.

About P&G

P&G touches and improves the lives of about 4.4 billion people around the world with its portfolio of trusted, quality brands. The Company?s leadership brands include Pampers?, Tide?, Ariel?, Always?, Whisper?, Pantene?, Mach3?, Bounty?, Dawn?, Fairy?, Gain?, Pringles?, Charmin?, Downy?, Lenor?, Iams?, Crest?, Oral-B?, Duracell?, Olay?, Head & Shoulders?, Wella?, Gillette?, Braun?, Fusion?, Ace?, Febreze?, and Ambi Pur?. With operations in about 80 countries, P&G brands are available in more than 180 countries worldwide. Please visit pg.com for the latest news and in-depth information about P&G and its brands.

Source: http://money.ca/money/travel-and-hospitality/pg-opens-family-home-to-moms-families-of-more-than-10000-olympians/

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There are many benefits of hiring profe - Portland roofing done ...

by Tom Faulkner Derringer
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There are many benefits of hiring profe More Details about There are many benefits of hiring profe here.

There are many benefits of hiring professional Roofing Company in Portland. Professional roofing companies have experts to deal with roof restoration and other roofing issues. They have the skill, knowledge and ability to deliver good quality roofs. By hiring a professional roofing company, their experts are trained to handle the entire project. They work in hand with the clients' requirements and are capable of doing all work related to roofing. They can plan the design and layout and will ensure a properly completed job. Professional roofing companies are capable of handling any roofing jobs, however big or small they may be. A good roof can add value and beauty to your homes other than just shelter. A good roof will definitely increase your home's value. A roofing company in Portland will ensure that the roof of your home stays secure and will not leak for many years.

Most professional roofing companies offer guarantees for their roof installations. A good roof can make your home very energy efficient. A professional roofing contractor can install solar panels on the roof thereby reducing the electricity consumption. You can improve the indoor lighting and stabilize temperatures with roof ventilators and other roof accessories. A new roof is a big investment whether it is for commercial or residential purposes. In order to get quality roof at a good price, you have to be careful in choosing your roofing company in Portland. Make sure to do your research before you make a choice.

Ask for the roofing company's business license. Find out if they have a company insurance policy. Ensure that the company is financially stable. You can ask for the contractor's license and for references from previous clients. The first thing you must do is check the roofing contractor's license. However, a license does not provide proof for the quality of his work. For that, you must check and see if he is part of any associations and ask the association for the qualifications of the contractor. You could also ask other people who might have hired his services. You must also find out if the contractor has insurance coverage. It is not enough to know that they do have insurance coverage, it is important to know how much it is. As accidents occur frequently in the roofing business, you must protect yourself from a lawsuit by ensuring that the contractor has a worker's compensation insurance. All contractors must have a safety plan, so ask your contractor for theirs. Also find out how long is the period of warranty he offers on his work. Generally, it is one year or more. It is also a safe option to hire a roofing contractor for a small job to test his workmanship before you employ him for the more important task.

If you are buying or selling your home and have any concerns about roofing repairs or the condition of the roof you are thinking of purchasing ask a roofing contractor to give you a qualified third-party opinion.

It's irresponsible to think you can do your roofing assessment or tasks yourself, you could actually cause more damage than repair if you attempt to perform tasks without the necessary tools or knowledge. You should interview and negotiate with your chosen service to find out if they're right for the job, this way you'll be able to find the most suitable candidates for your Portland roofing needs. Educating yourself on these factors and what makes a good roofing Portland company will allow you to find the most reputable, professional and experienced roofing service in Portland.

All Surface Roofing and Construction is an award winning, Portland Oregon family owned business. We are one of two closely interrelated divisions. All Surface Cleaning Company works primarily on roof cleaning, restoring roofs, decks, gutters, and All Surface Roofing and Construction is involved in slightly larger projects, such as roof installation and replacement. Call Portland Roofing at 503-598-7404 for a reliable Portland Roof Contractor

All Surface Roofing and Construction is an award winning, Portland Oregon family owned business. We are one of two closely interrelated divisions. All Surface Cleaning Company works primarily on roof cleaning, restoring roofs, decks, gutters, and All Surface Roofing and Construction is involved in slightly larger projects, such as roof installation and replacement. Call Portland Roofing at 503-598-7404 for a reliable Portland Roof Contractor

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Tom Faulkner Derringer

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There are many benefits of hiring profe

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