বুধবার, ৩১ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Commonwealth plan adds new Pennsylvania real estate opportunities

Five properties from the Pennsylvania state inventory will soon be up for sale after recent approval of the 2012 Real Property Disposition Plan. The five pieces of new real estate will add to a plan hoping to save money and generate revenue for the commonwealth by putting these properties onto local tax rolls.

The properties could be a very attractive purchase for both business and casual real estate investors alike. As the biding continues to progress, state officials seem optimistic about the mutually beneficial impact these sales could create for the commonwealth of Pennsylvania as well as the successful bidder.

The sites approved for sale under the Commonwealth plan will include the Embreeville Center, Allentown State Hospital, Weaversville Secure Treatment Facility, Northampton Fort LeBoeuf Museum, and a parcel on the DGS Annex that formerly was Harrisburg State Hospital. Moving forward, the state will soon be conducting land and environmental appraisals in preparation to bring these properties to the market by the spring.

Each real estate investment comes with its own unique set of circumstances. Purchasing the property is just the beginning. It is important to understand what you are getting into before taking interest to the next level.

Many setbacks may occur whiling taking a real estate project from start to finish. Property leasing, purchase and sales agreements, as well as land use and zoning restrictions, are a few of the handful of problems that may surface in a real estate investment. Those looking to purchase and develop real estate may benefit from the hands-on knowledge and experience legal help can provide.

Source: Lehigh Valley Business, "Sale of two state-owned Valley properties planned," Katherine Schneider, Oct. 24, 2012

Source: http://www.philadelphiarealestatelaw.com/2012/10/commonwealth-plan-adds-new-pennsylvania-real-estate-opportunities.shtml

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Copyright and re-sales from overseas

The Supreme Court is considering a case that requires the wisdom of Solomon:

Supap Kirtsaeng was studying in the United States when he struck a nerve in the publishing world by tapping into the market for cheaper college textbooks. Kirtsaeng re-sold copyrighted books that relatives first bought abroad.

His profitable venture provoked a copyright infringement lawsuit from publisher John Wiley & Sons. The case is being argued Monday at the high court.

Kirtsaeng used eBay to sell $900,000 worth of books published abroad by Wiley and others and made about $100,000 in profit. The international editions of the textbooks were essentially the same as the more costly American editions. A jury in New York awarded Wiley $600,000 after deciding Kirtsaeng sold copies of eight Wiley textbooks without permission.

The issue at the Supreme Court concerns what protection the holder of a copyright has after a product made outside the United States is sold for the first time. In this case, the issue is whether U.S. copyright protection applies to items that are made abroad, purchased abroad and then resold in the U.S. without the permission of the manufacturer. The high court split 4-4 when it tried to answer that question in a case in 2010 involving Costco and Swiss watch maker Omega. . . .

The court already has rejected copyright claims over U.S.-made items that were sold abroad and then brought back to the United States for re-sale.

The current case has attracted so much attention because it could affect many goods sold on eBay, Google and other Internet sites, and at Costco and other discount stores. The re-sale of merchandise that originates overseas often is called the gray market, and it has an annual value in the tens of billions of dollars.

Consumers benefit from this market because manufacturers commonly price items more cheaply abroad than in the United States.

The federal appeals court in New York sided with Wiley in this case.

EBay and Google say in court papers that the appellate ruling ?threatens the increasingly important e-commerce sector of the economy.? Art museums fear that the ruling, if allowed to stand, would jeopardize their ability to exhibit art created outside the United States.

Conversely, the producers of copyrighted movies, music and other goods say that their businesses will be undercut by unauthorized sales if the court blesses Kirtsaeng?s actions. . . .

[Attorney Theodore]? Olson said there may be good reasons why manufacturers price the same goods differently for domestic and foreign sales, including lower incomes and standards of living in many foreign countries.

via Online, discount sellers back Thai student in Supreme Court copyright case ? The Washington Post.

This would seem to be a corollary of the global economy.? Prices are lower in some lower-income markets.? But now it?s possible for consumers in high-price markets to use the internet to buy from the lower-cost countries.

Buying drugs from Canada would be another example, once considered by pharmacy companies as even less fair because the Canadian government subsidizes drugs in that country and makes them cheaper than the free market would dictate.

The advantage to consumers is obvious, but can a company stay in business that way?? Would it force companies to charge high-price market rates in poor countries, thus preventing citizens of poorer nations from buying what they need and would otherwise be able to buy?

And copyright adds another dimension.? Writers get nothing when their works are re-sold in used bookstores or online, which has always struck me, being an author, as wrong, though I can?t think of an alternative that wouldn?t also be wrong.

Source: http://www.geneveith.com/2012/10/30/copyright-and-re-sales-from-overseas/

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সোমবার, ২৯ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

raging universe: The Fertility of Failure

raging universe: The Fertility of Failure

The Fertility of Failure

Saturn and Achievement

You probably know about Saturn ... restrictions, frustrations, self consciousness and criticism, inner recognition of talent, and the relentless failures that create obstacles to achievement in that sector of life. One hurdle begets another. But for Saturn, failure is a treasure chest that holds the key to solid and enduring success, after trial, error, correction, and perfection.

Saturn delivers rewards only after sustained effort. We're taught that failure is an embarrassment, an invalidation of self, and a blight on one's character, none of which is necessarily true. Not succeeding at a desired goal can merely be a step to higher achievement as a result of working more and improving skills, and waiting until technique is honed to its best productive level.

Frequently failure leads to studying what's wrong, and sometimes this educational nugget is sewn into the fabric of a venture from the start to make sure it doesn't work out. It's only meant to be a step in the direction toward satisfactory achievement, especially if one aims high. The obstacles provide information, direction, and insurance for the future. In that case, failure comes as a relief so one can move on.

I think one secret of a good life is seeing the value in these blocks as an individual progresses, learning not to perceive them as personal flaws, but another day in mastering the tied shoe lace. I'm sure you remember trying over and over to accomplish a feat, even getting to the point of despairing and giving up, but then the magic moment comes and it all clicks into place bringing pride and jubilation.

Saturn can't function without setbacks and disappointment. Much of what is finally produced by the entity rests on the full acceptance of this state of affairs, wherein ideas are formulated and edited and practice is performed until evidence of expertise is tangible. Within failure lies solid confidence, when you realize how good you've become regardless of others' opinions. The aim is to find self validation and then you're ready for presentation in the world with accompanying success. Saturn provides a framework of support while you work on inner development until ready to emerge. Then the restricting barrier comes down.

And so it is for the United States and her Pluto return in Saturn ruled Capricorn. Failure is becoming a familiar phenomenon in American politics as a frustrating paralysis has gripped the governmental processes. After the previous administration hopes were extremely high that the nation's troubles were over when the term ended and the new exciting person took charge. Of course people hoped for quick redemption and better times, but considering the cumulative number of flaws in the system, an acceptance of the country's mistakes will probably be required with no magic bailouts, no shortcuts through enchanted woods, and no magic saviors, even with Neptune in Pisces.

The moist enchanted woods are actually a good symbol for the rich aromatic fertile soil that gives birth to growth with Saturn, especially with Pluto's love of useful decay. And in decay is where our system is. It's no wonder that the chaotic patchwork efforts to piece it together are failing noticeably. So noticeable, in fact, that even the medicated and/or distracted masses are perceiving the absence of success. A very good sign. If the failure is so potent as to penetrate the thick cloud around the American people's cognition, then who knows what could happen? In time. It seems like the fall has been stepped up lately and I think that's also a good sign. With a Saturn return just completed, we're opening a new phase in our destined acquisition of justice and equality through many more challenging encounters. One must always remember, that with Saturn, these prizes must be earned. It's impossible to determine when intellectual ideals match group evolution. The ideals always have to be a step ahead, don't they? So acceptance of the failure to reach them could turn attention to the progress already made and what needs to be done to get to the next level.With Saturn returning to natal Saturn in Libra the phenomenally uncivilized discourse dominating the public arena was impossible to miss. Shocking comments often crossing the border into obscenity have become accepted routine and the infantile name-calling from everywhere keeps sending us further into the dark ages of verbal sharing. If you read speeches from history you can see the decline and it's possible that the descent into barbaric communication has a purpose. Education is also in decline and other factors are combining to bring collective attention to the improvement necessary in order to fulfill the Libran destiny. Libra is one on one and I've always had a theory that the two party system the country favors is the path to learning how to carry on high minded debate and eventual cooperation. Sometimes the opposite is one step to the goal. Language changes as history progresses but the urge to come to productive agreement remains. We really do want to work it out, don't we? We do really like one another, do we not?

Interestingly, the presidential debates this year had a curious combination of civilized exchange and boorish childish outbursts. Bodies were twitching, but a few ideas did actually penetrate the barrier separating the eager listener/students and the frightened ego driven maniacal performers. Truth was evasive inasmuch as?it ever honestly wants to be revealed. Glimmers will suffice.

Dreams of an economic promised land for all citizens has diminished markedly and the widening gap between the haves and have-nots seems destined to continue until resolution looms into view. Perhaps the lowered standard of living is exactly what's indicated for numerous reasons, one being the preservation of what we've got left on a finite earth. The psychological health of a population content with what it has instead of grasping and growing every millisecond of the day could be a major payoff after the contraction and failure of Saturn is complete. Of course you know that will take plenty of time in Saturn's slow and steady way.

The failures in the Middle East seem poised to continue and even escalate and these too could be instructive in terms of rerouting the country from her military expansion. Internal conflict with its high level of violence and bursting prison system at home has been neglected in favor of murder elsewhere. I "fail" to see how we can continue on this path and expect a healthy society. But for now, the realities are coming into focus with potential deterioration before repair.

?The grand experiment in creative democracy that started in 1776 has not met its mark quite yet, and a good look at why might help, in case any are still looking for an ideal. With Pluto returning in Capricorn it could seem at first that the failure is profound, and with that understanding some degree of hopelessness can be expected on and off. Exposing the depth of it is probably preferable to covering it up and that takes practice. People who point it out might be shunned since ideas about fixing the systemic failure haven't been fully formulated yet. But listening carefully, as painful as it might be, hopefully will be the choice. Increased governmental control is not the answer given its current state, nor is absence of government considering the helplessness of the body politic. Smaller government, bigger government, it makes no difference when the entity is faulty. Working with the discomfort of Saturn is a virtual guarantee that intelligent use of the time will eventually reap productive results from failure's fertile ground. Theoretically speaking.

Source: http://raginguniverse.blogspot.com/2012/10/the-fertility-of-failure_633.html

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Kent St forces 7 TOs, upsets No. 18 Rutgers 35-23

Kent State quarterback Spencer Keith (3) passes while under pressure from Rutgers' Scott Vallone (94) during the first half of an NCAA college football game in Piscataway, N.J., Saturday, Oct. 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Rich Schultz)

Kent State quarterback Spencer Keith (3) passes while under pressure from Rutgers' Scott Vallone (94) during the first half of an NCAA college football game in Piscataway, N.J., Saturday, Oct. 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Rich Schultz)

Rutgers quarterback Gary Nova (15) is hit by Kent State's Luke Batton (30) as he throws an interception during the second quarter of an NCAA college football game in Piscataway, N.J., Saturday, Oct. 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Rich Schultz)

Kent State's Mark Fackler (47) celebrates his interception return for a touchdown with teammates Zack Hitchens (41) and Evan Shimensky (11) during the first half against Rutgers in an NCAA college football game in Piscataway, N.J., Saturday, Oct. 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Rich Schultz)

(AP) ? The dream of an undefeated season and a hopeful shot to play for a national title is over for No. 18 Rutgers after an upset loss at home to Kent State.

Everything else is still in place.

The non-conference loss won't deny the Scarlet Knights a chance at the Big East Conference regular-season title and a BCS bowl bid. That is what their sights are set on now, following the stunning 35-23 defeat by the Golden Flashes on Saturday.

"This is a lump in the road," Rutgers linebacker Khaseem Greene said. "We control our own destiny and we can still do what we set out to do since the beginning of the year. This is all about how we respond. To the young guys, this class is different and I know they will follow the leaders, and it's on us to set the example how to react after losing the game in the way that we did.

"I'm just ready to let this soak in a little bit, keep this taste in my mouth and get back on the practice field."

Rutgers (7-1, 4-0 Big East) will have a bye week and then face Army. The conference title hopes will be determined in the final three games against Cincinnati (5-2, 1-1), Pittsburgh (4-4, 1-3) and No. 16 Louisville (8-0, 3-0). The last game will be played at Rutgers on Nov. 29.

"There's a goal that is in front of us that's never been done at Rutgers, the Big East championship," Kyle Flood said after his first lost as the Scarlet Knights coach. "We have an opportunity sitting in conference play to be able to do that over the last three games of our season. That will be conference games. I think we'll be very motivated, there's no doubt about that. But I'm always up front and honest with the team.

Kent State (7-1) had been 0-22 against ranked teams, and this certainly was its biggest win since it started playing football in 1920. The six-game winning streak is its longest since 1940.

"This is a great win for our program," said Kent State coach Darrell Hazell, a Rutgers assistant from 2001-03. "We came on the road against a very tough opponent. We knew they were going to be tough, and they did a great job prior to playing us. I thought our kids prepared like crazy this week. We made enough plays early in the game to keep those guys off balance. Rutgers kept fighting back, and our guys kept fighting them off."

The biggest play of the game was made by Golden Flashes defensive end Mark Fackler, a one-handed, 25-yard interception return for a touchdown early in the second quarter that gave Kent State a 14-3 lead and the belief it could win.

It was his second interception of the game and one of six picks by the Golden Flashes, who forced a season-high seven turnovers.

"(We were) dropping some of the inside guys, and I just saw his eyes, followed his eyes and was right there on the first one," Fackler said after his first two-interception game since high school. "The second one was a play call. We were going that way, and I saw what he did. That was a play that was going to happen. It was there."

Flood said it was a remarkable play by Fackler.

" I thought it was an excellent reaction," Flood said. "Really one of those plays, I don't know if you'll see it again. You don't see it very often. The last time I can remember something like that, I'm sure it's happened since, I remember Julius Peppers doing it when he was playing at North Carolina. As an offensive line coach you tend to remember those type of things because they're so unique."

Kent State intercepted Gary Nova six times and recovered a fumble to give the Mid-American Conference its second straight win over an undefeated Big East team. Toledo knocked off Cincinnati last week.

"It's a terrible feeling," said Nova, who was 25 of 46 for 313 yards. "You never want to feel like this, especially with all of the hard work you've put in. You've just got to take the punches and keep going."

Spencer Keith threw touchdown passes of 1 yard to Zack Hitchens and 15 yards to Josh Boyle, the latter giving the Golden Flashes a 35-17 lead with 11:30 to play. Dri Archer, the nation's leader in touchdowns coming into this week, scored on a 7-yard run, and Trayion Durham tallied from 3-yards out.

Nova, the Big East's top offensive player last week, threw touchdowns of 19 yards to Tim Wright and 24 to Brandon Coleman. Jawan Jamison scored on a 2-yard run to cut Rutgers' deficit to 12 with 10:35 to play, but the Scarlet Knights never got closer.

At the final gun, Kent State players bumped chests, high-fived, and ran to the corner of the stadium to share the celebration with their few followers from Ohio who came to New Jersey.

Nova was intercepted four times in the first half, resulting in 14 points and a 21-3 Kent State lead.

"It always builds momentum when you get turnovers," said linebacker Luke Batton, who had 13 tackles, a sack and an interception. "It gets your whole team up, especially the defense. Everyone is trying to get a little piece of the pie. I guess you can say it snowballs."

Kent State never trailed after Keith hit Hitchens with a 1-yard TD pass for a 7-3 lead. Fackler's TD stretched the lead to 14-3, and Archer pushed it to 21-3 after an interception by Leon Green set up a 45-yard drive.

The Golden Flashes allowed Rutgers to get back in the game in the final 59 seconds with a five-play, 83-yard drive that started with a 45-yard run by Jamison and ended with a 19-yard TD pass to Wright with :04 left in the half.

However, Rutgers never got any closer in the second half.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/347875155d53465d95cec892aeb06419/Article_2012-10-27-T25-Kent%20St-Rutgers/id-7164397c4dc54fcebd4888f7df9be7ad

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শুক্রবার, ২৬ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Hexagon sees stronger U.S. demand after healthy third-quarter

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Measurement technology group Hexagon AB said on Friday a recovery in the United States was gathering pace and that stronger demand in emerging markets would help offset weaker European markets.

Hexagon posted a 17 percent rise in quarterly operating earnings, in line with forecasts, with brisk growth in Asia and the Americas offsetting weaker demand in Europe.

"It feels more and more that the (U.S.) recovery one speaks of is underway," Chief Executive Ola Rollen told Reuters.

"The engineering and auto sectors have driven this so far. What we are now seeing is that infrastructure work is also getting going," he added.

Organic growth, which strips out acquisitions and currency fluctuations, rose 11 percent in Asia in the quarter - compared with a flat result in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

The group's Americas division, which includes the United States, Canada and South America, saw a 7 percent sales rise.

"I expect a continued recovery and stable growth from the U.S., while I expect a weak market in west Europe," Rollen said.

Analysts have also expected a gradual pick-up in demand for the firm's design and measurement instruments and software in China to help drive business following a slowdown last year.

Rollen said organic growth in China was 11 percent.

The Swedish company, which sells under brands such as Leica Geosystems as well as its own name, reported a third-quarter operating profit of 116 million euros, compared with an average forecast of 115 million seen in a Reuters poll of analysts.

"This is a solid report, and even if it is just in line with expectations they show that they continue to deliver," said Jon Hyltner, an analyst at Handelsbanken.

Hexagon shares, up almost 40 percent so far this year, edged 0.8 percent lower in early trade, in line with the wider blue chip Stockholm index <.omxs30>.

($1 = 0.8093 euros)

(Reporting by Helena Soderpalm and Mia Shanley, editing by Patrick Lannin)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/hexagon-sees-stronger-u-demand-healthy-third-quarter-090302278--sector.html

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Obese Boys, Impotent Men?Your Health Journal ... - Len Saunders

From US News & World Report?..

Young, obese males have reduced levels of testosterone, which greatly increases their risk of being impotent and infertile as adults, according to a new study.

Researchers from the University at Buffalo in New York compared 25 obese and 25 lean males, aged 14 to 20, and found that the obese males had up to 50 percent less total testosterone than the lean males. Testosterone is the hormone produced in the testicles.

The findings, recently published online in the journal Clinical Endocrinology, need to be confirmed with more males, the researchers said.

?We were surprised to observe a 50 percent reduction in testosterone in this pediatric study because these obese males were young and were not diabetic,? study first author Dr. Paresh Dandona, chief of the division of endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism at the University at Buffalo medical school, said in a university news release.

?The implications of our findings are, frankly, horrendous, because these boys are potentially impotent and infertile,? Dandona said. ?The message is a grim one with massive epidemiological implications.?

The researchers noted that low testosterone levels also are associated with higher levels of abdominal fat and reduced muscle, which can lead to insulin resistance and then diabetes.

?These findings demonstrate that the effect of obesity is powerful, even in the young, and that lifestyle and nutritional intake starting in childhood have major repercussions throughout all stages of life,? Dandona said.

To read the full story?..Click here

Source: http://www.lensaunders.com/wp/?p=5936

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4PSA&#39;s Cloud OnDemand Now Available In APAC - VoIP PBX and ...

Phone (US): +1 646-957-8997

ORLANDO, FL - October 25, 2012 - 4PSA, a technology leader in Cloud communication software has announced today the availability of Cloud OnDemand in the APAC region. The service will be hosted in Softlayer's new high-performance datacenter in Singapore.

VoipNow Cloud OnDemand and DNS Manager Cloud OnDemand are fully-featured, flexible turn-key solutions, bundling high-performance infrastructure with the company's well-known software products, the VoipNow Unified Communications Platform and DNS Manager, a DNS administration tool.

"With DNS Manager Cloud OnDemand, service providers can set up a redundant DNS infrastructure in the cloud in a matter of minutes. As for VoipNow Cloud OnDemand, it is the easiest and fastest way to deliver Unified Communications to an unlimited number of users, not only for experienced providers, but also for those who are just starting out. Our customers in Europe and the US have already seized this competitive advantage and are now reaping the rewards of their successful businesses. It is only fair that we deliver this advantage to the APAC region as well.", said Elena Carstoiu, 4PSA's VP of Sales & Marketing.

Unified Communications and collaboration applications such as enterprise video, mobility, and IP telephony have shown significant growth in the Asia Pacific market in the past 2 years. The Cloud Computing market is also growing at a fast pace, with studies forecasting it will top to $28 Billion in the next five years. "VoipNow Cloud OnDemand blends the power of UC with the convenient deployment time, scalability and flexibility of Cloud Computing. These attributes are all in high demand in a region so clearly open to innovation and technological variety such as APAC.", Ms. Carstoiu added.

VoipNow Cloud OnDemand and DNS Manager Cloud OnDemand instances are available in the US, Europe, and Singapore. For companies interested in testing the service, 4PSA provides free 30-day evaluation trials on request. More details can be found here.

About 4PSA

4PSA? is a leading innovative software development company, specialized in applications that run on computer clouds. The company provides, under the 4PSA brand, solutions that help service providers and enterprises better manage their IT infrastructure, automate processes, and deliver improved communication services.

The 4PSA? flagship solution is VoipNow? Platform, a suite of software applications designed to accelerate Unified Communications adoption by businesses and end-users. The products are built around cloud computing and provide unrivaled performance with the most comprehensive features, massive scalability, and the ultimate in automation. With the Green Commitment program, the company optimizes the use of power resources and helps organizations reduce carbon emissions. 4PSA is ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management certified by TUV CERT.

For more information, please visit www.4PSA.com, follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/4PSA, like us on Facebook at www.fb.com/4PSAcom or join our LinkedIn group at www.4PSA.com/linkedin.

Source: http://www.4psa.com/company-news_newsid.html?id=442

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Develop An Online Marketing Strategy That Really Works | Eric - First

Online marketing is actually quite interesting. There are many different ways to customize it for different business types. It can be hard to decide how to start your first project. Use these tips to get started with your website.

If you want to promote your product, a FAQ should be created. Provide a well-thought-out response for each question, and don?t be afraid to self-sell where appropriate. Be careful when crafting your answers, as you want to mention the products you sell without it looking obvious that is is an advertisement.

If you have a database that contains information regarding your customers you can use that to make the most of your Internet advertising. It can help you identify current and past customers, and their purchase patterns. You can highlight items that may interest these customers.

TIP! As far as Internet marketing goes, you should never put the eggs into one single basket. This point is key when first starting out, as it is difficult to get the momentum of a steady flow of income going.

Most cellular providers offer the option of multiple dedicated numbers applied to one phone. Make getting a number a priority.

Make sure that your site is filled with descriptive words. People like adjectives so make sure that you use plenty of them in any item descriptions. Get clever and use jargon that surprise all of your readers. Create a site that your readers will want to revisit and refer to others.

Be as content focused and through as you can when you create a website. You must be able to know how to present information within a short amount of time. This way your customer will be able to make a decision based on your information. Don?t repeat descriptions or use useless data with your prospects.

TIP! Be sure to provide a customer feedback section, which you can manage carefully. Customer testimonials and honest ratings help future prospects choose your products or services because you are allowing word of mouth advertising.

Use good photos to highlight your products. Customers are more comfortable when they can see what they are buying, and many people will not make a purchase if they can not see a detailed picture. You may also find that having an upload section is helpful for marketing your products. Current owners may upload pictures of the product they received. If applicable, include ?before and after? photos for optimum effect.

Consider adding special promotions on every check-out order page. An example would be a choice of three different products that the customer can add to his or her order at a big discount as a reward for doing business with the site. You can get rid of additional stock, boost sales and make the client feel that received a great deal.

Take advantage of the many cost effective resources on the internet as a means to improve your marketing campaign. Consider joining an online business community and other online social groups that will benefit your business.

TIP! Make a plan for how you will market your webpage and the strategies you will use. Excellent sources of advertising your site include blog promotion, posting to them, and hanging around all the social networking sites.

Be certain that the information you provide to customers when you promote your business is appropriate. Individualize your content, and make it relevant. Keeping your information fresh and updated is extremely helpful for visitors to your website.

Instead of just having a bland, dry business site, you can instead add some social features to transform your site into a genuine networking hub. Using this technique will generate more traffic because your customers can communicate with one another. Not only will they show up, but they?ll eventually bring their friends. Your site goes beyond a simple business and becomes something they focus on. Give links for graphics that people can use to advertise membership on your site.

You need to be positive and excited about your offerings if you are to be a success in the world of web marketing. Make sure you communicate your confidence in your products. Your enthusiasm will be a great motivator and inspire enthusiasm in your customer. This will generate more sales and more profits for you.

TIP! Internet marketing has some characteristics common to most other markets, but also has big differences. For example, search engines might decide to stop taking the title tag into consideration.

To build more revenue, you can benefit from real-time leads. Real-time leads are a good thing; they will guide you to a would be customer right now. Since you contact the potential customers immediately after they request information, you increase the likelihood of generating sales from these leads.

You have probably heard that you shouldn?t mix your business with your personal life. However, this can be an exception to the rule. That is because there is no high pressure, and it can almost be viewed as a type of lucrative hobby. Get together with your wife and do this together.

Most people will respect someone with an important title. Use the truth to your advantage by making people aware that you are in charge. If you title yourself as President or CEO, it will help.

TIP! Provide a button that allows others to quickly and easily links back to your site. People who share your interests will be happy to link to you, and you will enjoy additional traffic.

If you want your site to be successful, it should contain rich, entertaining text. Your site should include content that will be visible to search engines and also be one of a kind!

There are so many ways you can piece together an Online marketing strategy that it is both an amazing benefit and a potential detriment. It?s great because you have a ton of customizable options and it?s terrible because that makes it hard to decide. The tips here should make things a little simpler for you.

Join me on Facebook:

Source: http://www.maynaseric.com/develop-an-online-marketing-strategy-that-really-works

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Keep Your Cords and Cables in Zipper Bags for No-Hassle, Tangle-Free Storage

Keep Your Cords and Cables in Zipper Bags for No-Hassle, Tangle-Free StorageWe've featured many ways to manage cables, many of which involve wrapping techniques that are good buy time consuming. Wouldn't it be better if you didn't have to do much of anything? Well, that's an option. Just shove each cable in its own plastic bag. The folks over at life tips blog Life Don't Panic explain:

Most times you will end up putting a bunch of cords in a box or drawer. Then they get all tangled up. An easy way to prevent this is to get zip lock bags and put the cords in the bags. Then you can throw all the bags into a drawer or box as usual.

This solution is effective and allows you to be fairly lazy with your organization. You can even label the bags so you know what each cable is for (if it isn't already obvious). What's not to like?

Tangled Cords | Life - Don't Panic via Reddit

Photo by User:Mattes.

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/qiDe253MNdY/keep-your-cords-and-cables-in-ziplock-bags-for-no+hassle-tangle+free-storage

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RSS chief asks India to `liberate` Pakistani Kashmir

RSS chief asks India to `liberate` Pakistani Kashmir Nagpur: Virtually advocating a war with Pakistan, the RSS Wednesday urged the government to "liberate" parts of Kashmir held by Islamabad to arrest the growth of terrorism.

Addressing the annual Dassehra rally here, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat said terrorism was on a comeback trail because of the government's policies on Jammu and Kashmir over the past decade.

"The areas under Pakistani occupation have to be liberated, discrimination in administrative and developmental matters in the case of Jammu, Leh-Ladakh and Kashmir Valley must end," he said.

RSS chief asks India to `liberate` Pakistani Kashmir

He said Jammu and Kashmir should be brought 'on par' with the rest of the country to create conditions to enable Hindus compelled to flee the Kashmir Valley to return with honour.

Focussing on the eastern parts of India, Bhagwat expressed concern over the "progressive depletion" of the "nationalist Hindu population" due to historical processes.

Despite repeated warnings about infiltration and arms, narcotics and counterfeit currency smuggling into Assam and West Bengal, wrong policies have resulted in grave problems in India's northeast, he said.

The demographic imbalance due to infiltration had rendered the native population into a minority in the northeast, he said, adding the phenomenon was spreading to other parts of India.

"The poisonous brew of separatism and terrorism, growing under the shade of religious conversion on a large scale, again because of weak policies," he said.

With Chinese interference looming large on the northern borders, terrorist groups like Al Qaeda are also attempting to secure a foothold in the region, Bhawat warned.

He urged the government to weed out infiltrators on an urgent basis from all over India and deport them back to their original countries and prepare a National Register of Citizens for all genuine Indian citizens to stop the alarming trend.

RSS chief asks India to `liberate` Pakistani Kashmir

Supporting India's 'Look East Policy', Bhagwat said all countries in the Southeast Asian region shared a common culture and basic values similar to India's.

"The fact that China has entered the arena as a competitor with full force and preparation... Now, China has befriended Pakistan to such an extent that they have given their nuclear technology to Pakistan.

"The consequences of China surging ahead of us to establish such strategic relationship with our immediate neighbours like Nepal, Myanmar and Sri Lanka should be seen from the angle of our national security."

Touching on the Ayodhya issue, Bhagwat advocated a parliamentary legislation to pave the way for the construction of a majestic Ram Temple there.

"However, keeping in mind the Allahabad High Court judgement, ensure that any construction for the sake of Muslims shall be allowed only outside the cultural boundaries of Ayodhya," Bhagwat said.

The RSS chief urged the government to make the living and working conditions better for the armed forces.


Source: http://zeenews.india.com/news/nation/rss-chief-asks-india-to-liberate-pakistani-kashmir_807378.html

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Source: http://www.facebook.com/13WHAM/posts/502249039793951

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muizhdaas: channa exogenous: Heli Skiing, Thrilling but Deadly ...

What is heli skiing? You might probably be amazed at how many different kinds of skiing there are.

In general, skiing as a whole can always be dangerous and challenging. There is the snow skiing, the water skiing, and now another form and type of skiing? the heli skiing.

Heli skiing comes from the word skiing and helicopter. The literal analysis of the word would come up with the literal and practical definition for this recreational or sports acivity.

Heli skiing is a term used to denote the practice or action of Alpine skiing with the use of the helicopter. Why the helicopter? You might ask.

The helicopter

Helicopter is used in heli skiing so the skier can be able to gain extreme altitude that would be impossible to be gained or attained by any person without the help of the helicopter.

Heli skiing enables the skier to ski coming off from different and various starting points. Skiing in very remote areas can also be made possible by heli skiing.

As such, heli skiing can be safely and appropriately classified as a very extreme sports. Because heli skiing is mainly done in remote and unlikely places or areas for skiing, the dangers of avalanches is very evident.

Heli skiing is also never free of the dangers posed by the existence of rocks and trees.

The helicopter used for helis skiing is also not the ordinary helicopter used in the modern times. They are specially designed and are used to carrying out the task of helping heli skiers lift up and ski at great heights.

A short history

Heli skiing is an extreme sport developed and introduced in April 1965 in Canada by Hans Gmoser.

Hans Gmoser is an Austrian who migrated to Canada in the 1950s to pursue and chase after greener pastures. Ironically, the man found whiter pasture, because the Canadian state where he got into turned out to be covered with thick snow.

By that time, there are a number of Austrians who went up and posed on top of Mt Everest in the Himalayas. The thrill and excitement aroused the national pride in the extreme sports fanatic, Mr Gmoser.

To have his own participation in the emerging Austrian pride for the heights, Mr Gmoser devised and designed an extreme recreation or sports to lift snow skiers in the Bugaboo Mountains.

Because no one has ever tried it before, he introduced skiing using helicopters to lift up the skier to greater altitudes.

The result was an extreme fun and thrilling exercise. Hel skiing was born.

The modern times

The modern times is characterized by extreme recreation and sports. That is because most people are earning their living through the corporate scene.

Most people are engaged in seats and in front of computers in general to earn their living. That is why the opportunity of going out and sweating it all out through extreme activities in the great otdoors thrill most people.

Heli skiing has it all and more. It can also be too risky and deadly. Experts and less-gutsy people stay away from it because the activity is truly not one to keep your visceral parts at peace.

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Source: http://coolhq.com/heli-skiing-thrilling-but-deadly/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=heli-skiing-thrilling-but-deadly

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Source: http://channa-exogenous.blogspot.com/2012/10/heli-skiing-thrilling-but-deadly-coolhq.html

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Source: http://muizhdaas.blogspot.com/2012/10/channa-exogenous-heli-skiing-thrilling.html

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Condom Broke - STDs - MedHelp

Welcome back to the forum and thanks for this question.??I assume you have had no recurrence of the apparent herpes zoster that you asked about a few months ago.

You don't say where your partner is from, but HIV is rare in women in both Japan and western Europe, absent other standard risk factors like injection drug use.??The chance of other STDs probably is higher, but still likely to be quite low.??The overall tone of your questions, and your background (business reasons or personal resources to travel between Germany and Japan) suggest you, and probably your partner, are intelligent, educated people.??Such women tend to be very aware of their sexual health, and your partner's belief she has no active STDs probably is correct.

But why don't you just tell her your fears???Maybe you'll find she is just as concerned as you are.??After all, women are at higher risk of HIV and other STDs from their male partners than the other way around.??You should consider just going for testing together.??Mutually negative test results probably would be more reassuring than my words.

Your diabetes makes no difference.??Even poor control is not known to increase the risk of HIV or other STDs if exposed.

For all those reasons, "I can not sleep or eat" is a major overreaction to this situation.??To your specific questions:

1) Your risk for HIV or other STDs is very low.??2) Condom breakage of course increases the risk, but it's still a low risk situation.??Your diabetes makes no difference.??3) You can both be tested now for gonorrhea, chlamydia, HIV, and syphilis (the normal test battery for STDs).??If both of you have negative on all tests, you'll know you could not have infected one another.

If for some reason you are the only one tested, then you can have reliable gonorrhea and chlamydia testing immediately.??(You obviously found some unreliable information about gonorrhea testing.??2-3 days is plenty of time for reliable results.)??HIV and syphilis testing need to wait 6 weeks, and HSV 12-16 weeks.??But I very strongly recommend against HSV testing in this situation.

So my strong advice is that you discuss your concerns with your partner and that both of you be tested for the common STDs.??You can include HSV if you like (your previous question suggests it carries special fears for you) -- but beware of the real possibility you'll learn things about each other that you would be better off leaving unknown.

Best regards--??HHH, MD

Source: http://www.medhelp.org/posts/STDs/Condom-Broke/show/1830552

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Aussies avoid iPad Mini price gouge

Apple has lifted the curtains on the iPad Mini, along with upgrades to older product lines, with reasonably similar pricing between Australia and the US.

At a launch event in the US overnight, the electronics giant announced that the 7.9-inch iPad Mini Wi-Fi-only model will begin shipping from November 2, with a 4G long-term evolution (LTE) version to come later. The iPad Mini is half as light as the third-generation iPad, and features Apple's new A5 chip.

The fourth-generation iPad, which has added support for more 4G LTE spectrum bands, was also unveiled at launch, and has the same release dates as the iPad Mini Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi + mobile versions.

The LTE models of both devices will be compatible with the 4G LTE networks in Australia.

Having recently been called out in the IT pricing enquiry in Australia for overcharging local customers for electronic goods, Apple's pricing for the iPad Mini and fourth-generation iPad in Australia and the US are rather similar. That's not particularly surprising, given that the third-generation iPad pricing between the two countries was on par when the device was released earlier this year, but the company may be forced to appear at an IT pricing enquiry parliamentary hearing in the near future.

It's worth noting that Australian pricing includes GST, whereas US pricing does not include the various states' sales taxes. Australia's currency exchange rate, at present, is also higher than the US' exchange rate.

? US price Australian price
16GB iPad Mini Wi-Fi only US$329 AU$369
32GB iPad Mini Wi-Fi only US$429 AU$479
64GB iPad Mini Wi-Fi only US$529 AU$589
? US price Australian price
16GB fourth-generation iPad Wi-Fi only US$499 AU$539
32GB fourth-generation iPad Wi-Fi only US$599 AU$649
64GB fourth-generation iPad Wi-Fi only US$699 AU$759

Microsoft has also been careful with its Surface tablet pricing in Australia, aligning it more with US pricing.

Apple will begin taking pre-orders on Friday, 26 October, for the iPad Mini and fourth-generation iPad Wi-Fi-only versions.

Upgraded iterations of the Apple iMac and MacBook were announced at the launch event as well.

Source: http://www.zdnet.com/aussies-avoid-ipad-mini-price-gouge-7000006265/

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বুধবার, ২৪ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Twitter principles of social networking increase family success in nesting birds

ScienceDaily (Oct. 23, 2012) ? New research carried out by scientists at Universities in Exeter, France and Switzerland reveals for the first time the importance of social networking in producing a successful family.

The study found that, regardless of how big and healthy individual chicks are, what really matters to their chances of surviving and breeding is how siblings in the nest interact with each other, with cooperative families faring best.

Differences in patterns of feeding between mothers and fathers were a key factor in determining the behaviour of their offspring, according to the study published online October 23 in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Mothers selected weaker, hungrier nestlings while fathers did the opposite, choosing those who were the most competitive.

Dr Nick Royle, from the University of Exeter, was involved in the study, alongside scientists from Universities in Toulouse, Bern and Basel. He said: "Whilst it is well-established that large, strong offspring are generally expected to be more successful than small, less well-nourished offspring, it has not been previously shown that the success of both individuals and families as a whole depends on the structure of social interactions among offspring."

"As any parent knows, parental care can be hard work and there is often a squeeze on the availability of resources in families. This sets the scene for conflicts of interest among family members over how these resources are allocated. Our study shows that the most successful families are those that are best at resolving these conflicts; parents and offspring that are most effective at responding to each other are the most successful."

Scientists from the University of Exeter's Centre for Ecology & Conservation worked with colleagues from the Universities of Basel and Bern in Switzerland and the French Universit? Paul Sabatier alongside French scientific research organisation CNRS. It was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council and the Swiss National Science Foundation.

63 broods of begging great tits breeding in nest boxes in woods around Bern in Switzerland were filmed when the nestlings were 10 days old, when both parents feed the young using different methods of selecting which nestlings receive food. The researchers examined the network of social interaction between the siblings, and then monitored the parents and their offspring to see whether they survived and went on to breed the following year.

Great tit mothers prefer to feed hungrier, smaller nestlings whereas fathers choose stronger, larger nestlings to feed. So in families where mothers provide most of the food, the young are more 'gregarious'. They moved around more and interacted more strongly with one another as the hungrier nestlings tried to move closer to their mothers to be fed. In broods where fathers fed more than mothers, nestlings moved around much less because the more competitive offspring took up the best positions near him.

Small and medium-sized broods fared better when the mother was the main feeder, whilst larger broods were more successful when the father provided most of the feeds. This could be because of constraints on space in larger families, making it harder for chicks to move around and jostle for position and easier to respond to fathers, with their simpler feeding rules, not mothers.

Dr Nick Royle concluded: "Users of Twitter will know that the more interactions they have, the more successful their profile is likely to be, and it's similar for nesting great tits; at least at nests where mothers provide most of the feeds. When fathers do most of the work offspring are much less gregarious. For young great tits social networking is related to the amount of physical contact each nestling has with their siblings, not the amount of tweeting they do. But using our social networks measure enabled us to demonstrate a novel link between how family members interact with one another and the success of those families."

"Our approach is not just applicable to social interactions in birds, however, or just for families. It could also be applied to understanding what patterns of social organisation best determine success between competing groups of humans, such as in business or team sports."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Exeter, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/~3/54CYTh-L8pE/121023204746.htm

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Privacy protection among cloud worries for businesses, individuals

While cloud computing has been praised for all its newfound abilities, it has not come without its share of drawbacks. Data and privacy protection concerns continue to worry many adopters.?

"As a business, you are responsible for keeping your data safe," said Simon Rice, ICO technology policy advisor. "You can outsource some of the processing of that data, as happens with cloud computing, but how that data is used and protected remains your responsibility."

In early October, the Cloud Security Alliance and ISACA released a report on the top 10 cloud computing concerns, which included the likes of legal compliance, information ownership and international data privacy protection. The survey polled 250 people worldwide, 85 percent of whom said they used the cloud.

According to another recent report by Reuters, internet privacy is especially low throughout the European Union. The news source highlighted that many companies collect personal information regarding their customer base, from gender to what they "like" on Facebook. The EU has plans to limit the type of data organizations are allowed to aggregate.

In the meantime, a CloudTweaks blog discussed several methods businesses can use to ensure their data is protected. Managing user accounts with two-step authentication requirements is a good starting point. Companies should also make sure employees have complex passwords that are changed regularly, download antivirus applications, and back up and encrypt crucial information.

But many of those strategies - particularly with regard to data backup and strong passwords - could prove useful for individuals as well. In addition, people may want to download anti-spy programs and use complicated, multi-word answers to security questions.

Source: http://www.proofpoint.com/about-us/security-compliance-and-cloud-news/articles/privacy-protection-among-cloud-worries-for-businesses-individuals-800890701

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Default Tricks ? Possessing Difficulty Catching Species of fish Then ...

Fishing has been around for 1000s of yrs. Sportfishing is so enjoyable that many fisherman will insist that this total worst time of fishing is still significantly better than the most effective time of work that one could have. Staying outdoors is but one facet of offshore fishing that individuals delight in. Determining about unique tactics can make offshore fishing a lot more fascinating, as well as helping your skills. Read more for a few useful tips which can help you derive a lot more enjoyment from your time offshore fishing.

When you are out sportfishing, it is vital that you have the right kind of gear to complete the job. When you don?t know whether or not to carry reside bait, it will probably depend on what type of sea food you need to get. You have got to determine which sort of lure is right for a variety of offshore fishing situations.

When sportfishing for perch, you may want to put in a few hooks just here a bobber or pounds. Because perch live in schools, you might capture a couple of species of fish at once. You can even utilize this method with bluegills and acquire similar outcomes.

If a big seafood that you?ve hooked is seeking to get aside, you should remain relax. When the fish is seeking to swim aside, tend not to fight it and try to reel it in. Relax yourself, and let the pull and rod carry out the job for you. When the hook is placed inside the species of fish, set your drag. Try and keep a 45 education viewpoint as well as the tip from your rod ought to be pointed in the path in the fish.

When you first start offshore fishing, usually do not opt for the priciest gear. Fancy products isn?t required and you won?t take advantage of the sport just as much or how many fish you reel in. Decide on stuff that matches your financial allowance, and you?ll feel happier about enough time spent utilizing it within the water.

While searching for very good lakes or ponds for fishing, request people who do many driving a car in the city where you have an interest. Mailmen, shuttle motorists, video game wardens and other could all offer fantastic info. Usually make certain that fishing is enabled where you anticipate offshore fishing, and ensure that you get the essential allow.

In case you have trapped a walleye or pike, continue to keep an eyesight out for their teeth! This sort of sea food will bite at you with zeal, in addition to their the teeth are extremely very sharp. You want to get the fish?s abdomen once you get it take away the hook only when you are sure it really is dead. When you practice find and release, ensure you don gloves although removing the hook.

Be aware of when seafood are active. Most seasoned fishermen recognize that species of fish are most energetic in the early morning and delayed evening. However, this isn?t constantly the truth. Some kinds of seafood are active at other occasions. For this reason, you should do certain study for the species of species of fish you want to get.

Angling is anything at all but a difficult interest. In reality, it?s most likely one of the most stress-free hobbies all around. Among the finest elements of fishing would be the fact is a simple and calming activity to be thinking about. Individuals have exciting sportfishing because it relaxes them. Just go and learn what offshore fishing will do for yourself.

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Source: http://www.defaulttricks.com/possessing-difficulty-catching-species-of-fish-then-continue-reading-for-a-few-fantastic-recommendations-3/

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Source: http://aayahanolosha.net/archives/3949

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Monster Energy Drink linked to 5 deaths, says FDA

HAGERSTOWN, Md. - The highly caffeinated Monster Energy Drink has been cited in five deaths and one non-fatal heart attack, according to reports that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is investigating.

The reports claim that people had adverse reactions after they consumed Monster Energy Drink, which comes in 24-ounce cans and contains 240 milligrams of caffeine, or seven times the amount of the caffeine in a 12-ounce cola.

Although the FDA is investigating the allegations, which date back to 2004, the agency said the reports don't necessarily prove that the drinks caused the deaths or injuries.

"As with any reports of a death or injury the agency receives, we take them very seriously and investigate diligently," Shelly Burgess, a FDA spokeswoman, said in a statement.

News of the FDA's investigation follows a filing last week of a wrongful death suit in Riverside, by the parents of a 14-year-old girl who died after drinking two, 24-ounce Monster Energy Drinks in 24 hours. An autopsy concluded that she died of cardiac arrhythmia due to caffeine toxicity and the medical examiner also found that she had an inherited disorder that can weaken blood vessels. But the child's parents claim Monster failed to warn about the risks of drinking its products.

Monster Beverage Corp., which touts on its web site that the Monster Energy Drink is a "killer energy brew" and "the meanest energy supplement on the planet," puts labels on

cans that state that the drinks are not recommended for children and people who are sensitive to caffeine. The company, based in Corona, did not immediately respond to calls seeking comment on Monday, but said last week that it is "unaware of any fatality anywhere that has been caused by its drinks."

Monster is among a growing group of energy drinks on the market. Energy drinks are a tiny part of the carbonated soft drink market, representing about 3 percent of sales volume, according to a recent report by industry tracker Beverage Digest. But at a time when soda consumption is declining, energy drinks are becoming more popular: Last year, sales volume for energy drinks rose by nearly 17 percent.

Monster has benefited the most from the increase. Last year, Monster had a 35 percent share of the energy-drink market based on volume, while Red Bull had 30 percent and Rockstar had 19 percent, according to Beverage Digest. Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are far smaller players in the arena, with about 5 percent each.

Investors have warmed up to the drinks as well. In the past two years, Monster's shares have more than tripled, from about $22 and hit a high of about $79 in June. But on news of the FDA investigation, Monster's shares plunged $7.59, or 14.2 percent, to close at $45.73 in trading on Monday.

The increase in popularity has brought heightened scrutiny. The levels of caffeine in the drinks have raised worries: Although the FDA caps the amount of caffeine in soda to 0.02 percent, there is no such limit for energy drinks.

In August, New York state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman issued subpoenas to energy drink makers, including Monster, as part of the state's investigation of the industry. And in September, Senators Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., asked the FDA to take another look at the effect that caffeine and other ingredients in energy drinks have on children and adolescents.


Matthew Perrone reported from Washington.

Source: http://www.dailybreeze.com/ci_21835082/monster-energy-drink-linked-5-deaths-says-fda?source=rss_viewed

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UN planning peacekeeping force for Syria

UNITED NATIONS (AP) ? The United Nations is already planning for a peacekeeping force in Syria should a cease-fire in that country take hold and pending a Security Council mandate, the U.N. peacekeeping chief said Monday.

Herve Ladsous said, however, it was still too early to say how many peacekeepers might be deployed in such an eventual force.

"I would confirm that, of course, we are giving a lot of thought to what would happen if and when a political solution or at least a cease-fire would emerge," Ladsous told reporters at a U.N. briefing.

U.N. and Arab League envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi met with Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus on Sunday as part of his push for a cease-fire between rebels and government forces for the Eid al-Adha holiday, which begins Oct. 26.

Syria's state-run news agency SANA said Damascus supports the truce proposal, but would not commit to halting fire during a four-day Muslim holiday until Western countries and their Gulf allies stop supporting rebels and halt their weapons supplies to the anti-regime fighters.

Brahimi told reporters, following a closed-door meeting, that he also had held talks earlier with opposition groups inside and outside the country and received "promises" but not a "commitment" from them to honor the cease-fire.

Brahimi replaced Kofi Annan as envoy to Syria after the former U.N. secretary-general resigned last August, frustrated by a lack of progress.

Under Annan's peace plan the U.N. sent a 300-strong unarmed observer mission to Syria to oversee the cessation of violence but the team was forced to withdraw in August because of escalating fighting which has continued until today.

"It's a shocking fact that everyday 150 to 200 civilians are killed and it has almost become part of the background noise and it is simply unacceptable," Ladsous said.

Diplomats say that Ladsous has told Brahimi he could put together a force of up to 3,000 peacekeepers in the event a longer truce took hold.

But Ladsous said, "it certainly would be premature to mention a figure because it would depend on the situation."

The deployment of any U.N. peacekeeping force would be contingent on the approval of the 15-member Security Council, which has long been deadlocked over the issue of Syria. Permanent members Russia and China have to date vetoed three resolutions on Syria because they threatened sanctions against Assad's government.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/un-planning-peacekeeping-force-syria-192918330.html

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