শুক্রবার, ৮ জুন, ২০১২

Popularity of Videos and Tips in Making Them | aUsAys.com

Online video has started to gain popularity among Internet users recently. Streaming video sites like You Tube and Vimeo have led the way making it almost a standard activity while browsing online. Seeing the opportunity in online video, advertising businesses have begun to incorporate online video into their daily activities.

Businesses use online video for marketing purposes because a video instantly catches a user?s attention. The video and audio will guarantee that you have the user?s full attention. Another reason why online video is popular among businesses is because it is fast. Today people have less time to read an article about a product/service. Instead they would rather watch a quick video about the product/service.

Statistics support this also as the Online Publishers Association revealed that 69% of Internet users have watched a video online at least once. 24% of those do so on a regular basis. 69% of those videos watched were video advertisements.

Choose custom-made ? Do not start out with in-banner video ads. Customized video ads are a lot better than pre-made ones and you will be thankful you chose tailor-made ads. To be effective in online video advertising you have to consider the relevancy of the ad content. The relevance comes before the entertainment and information of the video ad.

Create interaction ? A video ad in where the user just sits and watch will be extremely boring and ineffective. Instead create a video ad that engages the user. Give the user something to interact with and something to do. A good example of an effective video ad is one that allows the user to click on a link that will lead to more information about the product or service.

Be creative ? An often overused word being creative is merely doing something others haven?t thought about or done yet. Being creative means being a pioneer and an innovator.

Expand your coverage ? You Tube is the current king of streaming video, so if you only do online video advertising on You Tube doesn?t expect to be effective. Since You Tube is that popular chances are other advertisers have already beaten you to the punch. So instead of competing with them on their rules why not compete with them with your rules? Advertise on other lesser known (but still popular) websites like Vimeo or Blinkx.

Concentrate on the main message ? Don?t try to make a video that covers all demographics because that is impossible. You cannot create a perfect video ad that will cater to all. Instead focus on your main target and convey to them your main message. A simple but well constructed video will likely be remembered more than a complex and confusing one.

Be professional ? You don?t have to go all out and spend huge loads of cash but at least hire the service of a video production company. No one will buy a product or rent a service from a company that has video ads that look amateurish and homemade.

This author has written a number of articles with regards to business, pets, and other subjects. This article is a product for Personalized Video.

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