বৃহস্পতিবার, ১১ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Slut Conspiracy

The Festival

-an anarcha-feminist sex positive event-

This one-day sex-positive festival will take place at three different venues on October 20th, 2012.

The Schedule so far:

Villa Kuriosum (WLT* welcome)
Scheffelstr. 21, 10367? Berlin - Lichtenberg

12 pm? DIY: Make a harness from bicycle inner tubes

2 pm??? 'I don't want to have sex'
A workshop about personal experiences of sexual pressure , especially in the queer and anarchist scenes. But wait, there is more: asexuality, graysexuality, non-sexual phases, and what is this 'sex' anyway? Where does sex start and where does it end? And why is it so difficult to get cuddles without the whole intercourse thing? A short input followed by an open discussion. Open to 25 participants. Language: English and/or German

4 pm??? Relationship anarchy/open relationships/free relationships
Discussion about the terminology of non-heternormative and non-monogamous relationships, is there even a need of labeling? How can we identify and criticize the norms and rules for relationships and love and create wonderful and healthy relations with our friends and lovers? What are the negative parts and what are the positive of choosing an alternative way of having relationships? How is this all connected to different power structures within society?

The workshop will be focusing on the emotional parts of relationships and the interaction within them, rather than the sexual part.

Open to 30 participants, input followed by work in small groups of 4-5 people.
Language: English.

6 pm Dinner time with Vok??

7 pm Flirting workshop
A workshop to reflect on our flirting behaviours. How do we flirt and why do we flirt this way?
Language: English and/or German.

9 pm? Performances and Concert
11 pm Party hard! with DJs

Lauschangriff (all genders welcome)
Rigaer Str. 103,? 10247 Berlin

12 pm 'I don't reclaim the word 'slut' from patriarchy'
A space for people who don't believe in reclaiming the word 'slut' from patriarchy to exchange experiences and talk strategy. We have not found a host for this event yet, if you would like to be a host please contact us via sc-festival@riseup.net.

2 pm Trans Respekt

Mit welchen Arten von transphobem Verhalten sind Transmenschen konfrontiert? Wie wird ihnen oft durch Kleinigkeiten der Alltag erschwert? Welche M?glichkeiten gibt es Transmenschen zu unterst?tzen. In diesem einf?hrenden Workshop sollen grundlegende Themen des Trans-Seins besprochen werden. Dabei gibt es zuerst einen Vortrag und anschlie?end kann auf Fragen n?her eingegangen werden.
Sprache: Deutsch., Zielgruppe: alle, insbesondere Menschen, die noch nicht so viel mit trans zu tun hatten.

4 pm M?nnlichkeitskonstruktionen und Whiteness in den Jugendbewegungen Hardcore/Punk
Im Vortrag zu M?nnlichkeitskonstruktionen und Whiteness in den Jugendbewegungen Hardcore/Punk wird anhand von ausgew?hlten Songtexten und Bildern ?ber verschiedene Rollenbilder und Subjektkonstruktionen der Szene diskutiert. Durch einen ethnografischen Zugang werden Themen von HomoCore, Afropunk, DIY und Straight Edge angeschnitten. Es geht vor allem um die Wahrnehmung und reflexive Arbeit zum Thema M?nnlichkeit und Whiteness. Wer nimmt in den Szenen wie Raum ein? Wo lassen sich subversive Strategien/Handlungen oder Emanzipation ausmachen?

Andrea ist selbst in der Hardcore-Szene aktiv. Sie hat in verschiedenen Hardcore/Punk Bands gespielt und veranstaltet regelm??ig Konzerte. Somit ist das Thema nicht nur eine wissenschaftliche Angelegenheit, sondern eine Reaktion auf eigene Erfahrungen und ein Versuch, mit Themen wie Heteronormativit?t und Whiteness in der Szene
F?r den Vortrag ist kein spezielles Vorwissen notwendig - dem Thema wird sich auf sehr praktische und erfahrungsorientierte Weise zugewandt, sowie aus einer kritsch wei?en Positionierung heraus.

6 pm Trans sexuality -->
In this workshop we will talk about the specific concerns of trans people (both trans masculine as well as trans feminine) about sexuality. Often things don't work the way you expect and there is more to negotiate and explain than with cis people, even though these negotiations might be just as helpful between cis people. We will start with reading some texts and then enter into a dicussion and sharing time which should be as personal as is comfortable for everybody involved.
Language: English, Audience: open to all genders. No knowledge or experience necessary, but disrespect of trans* identities will not be tolerated.

Fischladen (all genders welcome)
Rigaer Str. 83, 10247 Berlin
12 pm Deconstructing masculinity
Men and Sex: Expectations and achievement. We will do critical examination of the stereotypical male sexuality and continue with a search for an alternative way to construct a more positive perspective on men and sex. Language: english.

2 pm Intro to BDSM

Source: http://slutconspiracy.blogspot.com/2012/10/the-festival-anarcha-feminist-event.html

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