শুক্রবার, ৮ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

The Art Of Writing For The Web

The Art Of Writing For The WebSomeone once asked me: how do users read on the web? My answer? They don?t.

Internet users scan. They pick out individual words and sentences.

Check out these statistics from a recent study:

79% of participants always scanned a new webpage.

Only 16% actually read word-by-word.

Users read email newsletters even more abruptly than websites.

On an average visit, an internet user reads only 28% of a web page?s content.

As a writer, that is probably pretty devastating news. I know it was for me. I labor over these witty words and no one bothers to read them?!

While internet users might not read everything you write, there are some ways to increase the likelihood of getting them to digest at least a little bit.

Make Your Content Scannable

If readers want to scan, let them. However, you should try to guide their wandering eyes. Here are some ways you can entice users to read what you want them to.

  • Use bulleted lists (like this one!)
  • Highlight the meaningful words. While you should use things like color and typeface variations, bold, and italics sparingly, you can use these subtle changes to draw a reader?s attention.
  • Limit yourself to one idea per paragraph. Readers will skip a paragraph if they aren?t hooked within the first few words.
  • Use meaningful ? not clever ? headings.

Consider the F-Shaped Pattern

First of all, acquaint yourself with the F-shaped pattern. The F-pattern is based on the?premise?that readers scan a page in a pattern that mimics the shape of a capital letter F, reading across and then down the left.

Here are some basic points to help you use this concept in your writing.

  • We?ve already established that users rarely read word-by-word. However, we?ve also determined we want them to read as much as possible. So get to the point. Use the first two paragraphs to share the most important information. Your first two paragraphs will form the top of the ?F?.
  • Start headings, paragraphs and bullet points with information-carrying words. Readers scan down the left side of a list. Use the first three words to grab their attention.
  • Always left-align your text; you should never use centered text for the body of an article or email. Only use full-justification for narrow columns, and avoid it for long lines of text.

Increase Credibility

When you pick up a copy of the Wall Street Journal, you feel pretty confident about the validity of the information. However, the internet doesn?t always offer such guarantees. Users will be much more likely to read your content if they feel you are a credible and reliable source.

How can you increase credibility?

  • Use high-quality, relevant images and graphics.
  • Make sure you content is error free (this includes everything from typos to inaccurate information).
  • Link to credible, helpful sources.

Avoid Promotional Content

You?ve probably heard this before, but?people?prefer objective content to promotional content. However, getting people to read your writing goes beyond just preferences.

A recent study found that promotional language imposes an actual cognitive burden on readers.

They have to filter out the promotional nonsense to get to the facts. This makes them less likely to want to spend time reading what you have to say.

Use Eye-Catching Article Headings

Often times, print material will rely on an eye-catching or emotional photo to grab a reader?s attention. However, this doesn?t work as well online. No matter how outstanding your photo or graphic is, it can?t replace a quality heading for generating interest in your topic. Remember, you want people read your content, not just look at your photos.

Write Action, Not Narration

Many people rely on printed materials for entertainment or diversion. Therefore, they enjoy the anecdotes and lengthy narrations. As we are well aware, cyberspace is a whole other ball game.

Online readers are usually on the hunt for something. Sure, they might go online for a short distraction from the demands of life. However, most users are searching for something in particular.

In print, readers might enjoy the interesting narrative about the time you and your pet stayed in a not-so-pet-friendly hotel. Online readers, however, want a list of local pet-friendly hotels.

Well?did you make it to the end of this article? Did you read more than 28% of what I had to say? If so, what do you think?

Do you have any other tips to offer?

For more interesting reader stats, check out this Nielsen study.

Source: http://www.websearchsocial.com/the-art-of-writing-for-the-web?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-art-of-writing-for-the-web

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