শুক্রবার, ২৮ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Video: In Virginia, Obama touts ?economic patriotism?

>>> meanwhile, on the campaign trail, the candidates were shadowing each other in a crucial swing state , this time, virginia , chief correspondent chuck todd has more.

>> reporter: good evening, savannah, the presidential campaign , of course is focused on nine states where the polls are close. and every year, one state stands out from the rest, in 2004 , it was florida, ohio, more and more, it looks like virginia . and that was where both candidates were today. for the president his 13th campaign stop in the state.

>> how is it going, virginia beach ?

>> reporter: rallying thousands in virginia beach with a new line.

>> it is time for a new economic patriotism, one rooted in the belief that growing our economy begins with a strong middle class .

>> reporter: mr. obama's idea includes tax hikes on the wealthy and more government spending on infrastructure. he is making it the new center piece of a tv ad for the closing argument.

>> if i could sit down with you at the table or in the living room, here is what i would say.

>> reporter: mitt romney focused on the deep ties to the military, warning that devastating job losses are coming up congress and the president went through with potential defense cuts.

>> the impact will be immediate and significant right here in virginia . 136,000 jobs will be lost in virginia as a result of this move.

>> reporter: this new feeling reflects the idea that many have voted. this year the number could grow to 40%, but in some of the key swing states the number could even be higher, more than half of all voters in colorado, florida, nevada and north carolina cast their ballots early four years ago. voting is under way in virginia , which could be the new political bellwether, mr. obama won there earlier, identical to his nationwide popular vote . the two have strong bases, for democrats, minority voters and federal workers. for republicans, christian conservatives and military veterans . and in the middle, a stubborn independent vote.

>> in a way, people in virginia are less partisan, we don't have party ideas in our elections, we're interested in people who get stuff done.

>> reporter: now in the last two weeks we released new numbers, in north carolina , new hampshire,

Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/nightly-news/49203359/

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